[Dime] Comments on draft-ietf-dime-local-keytran-03
Tom Taylor <tom111.taylor@bell.net> Sun, 09 May 2010 23:55 UTC
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I have a couple of comments on draft-ietf-dime-local-keytran-03. 1) As suggested in my previous E-mail, the attributes contained in the Key AVP should probably include an applicable domain identifier (in the absence of which the key is not domain-specific), and an enumeration indicating usage. The two usages I see are reauthentication root key and master session root key. In a bow to RFC 5295, I suppose DSRK should be added to and stand at the head of this list. Obviously the usage list has to be extensible -- another IANA registry. 2) Minor comment: I would think section 5.2 itself would contain a table listing the values to be registered. Of course, if my suggestion is adopted the details of this will be different. Tom taylor