[Dime] freeDiameter 1.0.0 released

Sebastien Decugis <sdecugis@nict.go.jp> Thu, 29 July 2010 10:08 UTC

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 Dear DiME members,

It is my pleasure to announce the first release of freeDiameter, a new
open-source implementation of the Diameter protocol.

freeDiameter is released under the BSD license. It is written in C, and
should run on any modern POSIX system (tested on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD).
freeDiameter is designed as a framework: a daemon handles the Diameter
Base Protocol operations (network management, messages routing) common
to all Diameter nodes, while extensions provide the additional Diameter
applications logic to each peer.
The daemon is fully compliant to RFC3588 and
draft-ietf-dime-rfc3588bis-21, including
native support for IPv6, SCTP, and TLS.

In this first release, the following extensions are available:
- A Diameter EAP server implementation (RFC4072) with support for EAP
TLS and MD5
methods (additional methods to be added later).
- A Diameter SIP server implementation (RFC4740) -- experimental.
- A RADIUS/Diameter translation gateway with support for NASREQ
(RFC4005), EAP (RFC4072), SIP (RFC4740) and Accounting (RFC3588)
- A simple Diameter Accounting (RFC3588) implementation.

freeDiameter also comes with a set of debug tools and mechanisms that
may be handy to anyone involved with Diameter.

For more information and download information, please visit the freeDiameter
homepage at http://www.freediameter.net

Thank you,
The freeDiameter team.
(supported by NICT and Teraoka-Lab., Keio University)

Sebastien Decugis
Research fellow
Network Architecture Group
NICT (nict.go.jp)