[Dime] RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol) - Section 2.1.1. SCTP Guidelines

Victor Pascual Avila <victor.pascual.avila@gmail.com> Mon, 26 April 2010 07:54 UTC

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Subject: [Dime] RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol) - Section 2.1.1. SCTP Guidelines
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Apologies in case this is not the appropriate list for the question
below-- I'd appreciate pointers to any other list.

RFC 3588 - Section  2.1.1 (SCTP Guidelines) states the following: "To
prevent blocking: All Diameter nodes SHOULD utilize all SCTP streams
available to the association to prevent head-of-the-line blocking."
While RFC 3539 - Section 3.8.1 (Using SCTP Streams to Prevent Head of
Line Blocking) also addresses multi-streaming, it's not clear to me

a) Diameter transactions need to be mapped into SCTP streams (ie; send
Diameter messages belonging to the same transaction over the same SCTP
stream and messages belonging to different transactions over different
SCTP streams-- as long as there are enough available streams)
b) Ordered vs unordered delivery: for the above mechanism, I
understand TLS would require ordered delivery. When TLS is not used
(say, IPSec is used instead), do we really need ordered delivery?

Thanks in advance for any clarification,
Victor Pascual Ávila