[Dime] Review of draft-ietf-dime-rfc4005-bis
Mark Jones <mark@azu.ca> Wed, 12 January 2011 15:57 UTC
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Subject: [Dime] Review of draft-ietf-dime-rfc4005-bis
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(The issue tracker tool doesn't want seem to create account for me so I'm posting here.) >From the diff with rfc4005, I realize my comments relate to the original text rather than Glen's changes but I think they're valid candidates for the bis. --- Section 3.9. Accounting-Request (ACR) Command "Either the Acct-Application-Id AVP or the Vendor-Specific- Application-Id AVP MUST be present." mj> I understand that the Acct-Application-Id is required for backwards compatibility (it is still redundant since the same app id is in the command header) but don't see why Vendor-Specific-Application-Id would ever need be present. The same comment applies to Section 3.10. --- Section 4.1.1. QoSFilterRule "The QosFilterRule format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base Format. It uses the ASCII charset." mj> RFC5777 defines Diameter AVPs that represent QoS and IP filter rules and even includes a NASREQ example. I'd like to see the ASCII-based variants deprecated but even if that idea doesn't fly, I think it would be useful to mention RFC5777 here as offering an alternative. --- Section 4.2.5. Called-Station-Id AVP "It SHOULD only be present in authentication and/or authorization requests." mj> Why is this recommendation here? This AVP is commonly used in RADIUS accounting requests. Same comment for Calling-Station-Id AVP in Section 4.2.6. --- Section 4.5.8. Tunnel-Assignment-Id AVP mj> s/should/SHOULD/g mj> Last paragraph appears to be missing normative statements in the first two sentences. Was this intentional? Regards Mark
- [Dime] Review of draft-ietf-dime-rfc4005-bis Mark Jones