[Dime] Review of draft-ietf-dime-rfc4005-bis

Mark Jones <mark@azu.ca> Wed, 12 January 2011 15:57 UTC

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(The issue tracker tool doesn't want seem to create account for me so
I'm posting here.)

>From the diff with rfc4005, I realize my comments relate to the
original text rather than Glen's changes but I think they're valid
candidates for the bis.

Section 3.9.  Accounting-Request (ACR) Command

"Either the Acct-Application-Id AVP or the Vendor-Specific-
Application-Id AVP MUST be present."

mj> I understand that the Acct-Application-Id is required for
backwards compatibility (it is still redundant since the same app id
is in the command header) but don't see why
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id would ever need be present. The same
comment applies to Section 3.10.

Section 4.1.1.  QoSFilterRule

"The QosFilterRule format is derived from the OctetString AVP Base
Format.  It uses the ASCII charset."

mj> RFC5777 defines Diameter AVPs that represent QoS and IP filter
rules and even includes a NASREQ example. I'd like to see the
ASCII-based variants deprecated but even if that idea doesn't fly, I
think it would be useful to mention RFC5777 here as offering an

Section 4.2.5.  Called-Station-Id AVP

"It SHOULD only be present in authentication
and/or authorization requests."

mj> Why is this recommendation here? This AVP is commonly used in
RADIUS accounting requests. Same comment for Calling-Station-Id AVP in
Section 4.2.6.

Section 4.5.8.  Tunnel-Assignment-Id AVP

mj> s/should/SHOULD/g
mj> Last paragraph appears to be missing normative statements in the
first two sentences. Was this intentional?
