[Dime] Comments on draft-ietf-dime-priority-avps-01.txt
<lionel.morand@orange-ftgroup.com> Tue, 15 June 2010 22:25 UTC
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Here is a new set of comments, after the review of http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-dime-priority-avps-01.txt Regards, Lionel ******** Abstract: This document defines Attribute-Value Pair (AVP) containers for various priority parameters for use with Diameter and the AAA framework. ==> Acronyms in Abstract should be avoided. ******* Section 1. Introduction: This document defines a number of Attribute-Value Pairs (AVPs) that can be used within the Diameter protocol [RFC3588] to convey a specific set of priority parameters. The parameters themselves are specified in other documents, but are described briefly below. ==> Should it be for use in Diameter QoS application (RFC5866) instead of diameter base protocol (rfc3588)? ******* Section 3.1. Dual-Priority AVP The Dual-Priority AVP is a grouped AVP consisting of two AVPs; the Preemption-Priority and the Defending-Priority AVP. These AVPs are derived from the corresponding priority fields in the Signaled Preemption Priority Policy Element [RFC3181] of RSVP [RFC2205]. The Defending-Priority is set when the reservation has been admitted. The Preemption-Priority of a newly requested reservation is compared with the Defending Priority of a previously admitted flow. The actions taken based upon the result of this comparison are a function of local policy. ==> I think that it would be useful to repeat at the end of this text that the use of theses parameters is specified in RFC3181. ******* Section 3.3 SIP-RPH AVP ==> "RPH" is not defined. If a new version is required, would it be simpler to have a explicit name such like "SIP-Resource-Priority"? The same comment may also apply for the other AVPs. We would have therefore SIP-Resource-Priority-Namespace and SIP-Resource-Priority-Value if agreed. ******* Section 3.3.1. SIP-Namespace AVP The SIP-RPH-Namespace AVP (AVP Code TBD) is of type UTF8String. ==> Inconsistency between name of the AVP in Title and the body. Previous comment maybe taken into account. ****** Section 3.4. App-Level-Resource-Priority AVP The App-Level-Resource-Priority (ALRP) AVP is a grouped AVP consisting of two AVPs, the ALRP-Namespace AVP and the ALRP-Priority AVP. ==> "App-Level-Resource-Priority" may also be "Application-Level-Resource-Priority" as in I-D.ietf-tsvwg-emergency-rsvp. ==> to ease the mapping with I-D.ietf-tsvwg-emergency-rsvp, the second AVP in the grouped AVP should be renamed "ALRP-Value AVP", as the name of the field is Application-Level Resource Priority policy element. ****** Section 5. Security Considerations TBD ==> Is there any ongoing discussion on this topic. If there is no specific security issue with the introduction of this set of AVP, maybe a text like in RFC 5777 would be good enough (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5777#section-11) "This document describes the extension of Diameter for conveying Quality of Service information. The security considerations of the Diameter protocol itself have been discussed in RFC 3588 [RFC3588]. Use of the AVPs defined in this document MUST take into consideration the security issues and requirements of the Diameter base protocol."
- [Dime] Comments on draft-ietf-dime-priority-avps-… lionel.morand
- Re: [Dime] Comments on draft-ietf-dime-priority-a… ken carlberg
- Re: [Dime] Comments on draft-ietf-dime-priority-a… Glen Zorn
- Re: [Dime] Comments on draft-ietf-dime-priority-a… ken carlberg