[Dime] Comments on draft-ietf-dime-priority-avps-01.txt

<lionel.morand@orange-ftgroup.com> Tue, 15 June 2010 22:25 UTC

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Here is a new set of comments, after the review of




   This document  defines  Attribute-Value  Pair  (AVP)  containers  for
   various  priority  parameters  for  use  with  Diameter  and  the AAA

==> Acronyms in Abstract should be avoided.

Section 1.  Introduction:

   This document defines a number of Attribute-Value Pairs  (AVPs)  that
   can  be  used  within  the  Diameter  protocol  [RFC3588] to convey a
   specific set of priority parameters.  The parameters  themselves  are
   specified in other documents, but are described briefly below.

==> Should it be for use in Diameter QoS application (RFC5866) instead
of diameter base protocol (rfc3588)?

Section 3.1.  Dual-Priority AVP

   The Dual-Priority AVP is a grouped AVP consisting of  two  AVPs;  the
   Preemption-Priority  and  the Defending-Priority AVP.  These AVPs are
   derived from  the  corresponding  priority  fields  in  the  Signaled
   Preemption  Priority Policy Element [RFC3181] of RSVP [RFC2205].  The
   Defending-Priority is set when the  reservation  has  been  admitted.
   The  Preemption-Priority of a newly requested reservation is compared
   with the Defending Priority  of  a  previously  admitted  flow.   The
   actions taken based upon the result of this comparison are a function
   of local policy.

==> I think that it would be useful to repeat at the end of this text
that the use of theses parameters is specified in RFC3181.

Section 3.3 SIP-RPH AVP

==> "RPH" is not defined. If a new version is required, would it be
simpler to have a explicit name such like "SIP-Resource-Priority"? The
same comment may also apply for the other AVPs. We would have therefore
SIP-Resource-Priority-Namespace and SIP-Resource-Priority-Value if

Section 3.3.1.  SIP-Namespace AVP

   The SIP-RPH-Namespace AVP (AVP Code TBD) is of type UTF8String.

==> Inconsistency between name of the AVP in Title and the body.
Previous comment maybe taken into account.

Section 3.4.  App-Level-Resource-Priority AVP

   The  App-Level-Resource-Priority  (ALRP)  AVP  is   a   grouped   AVP
   consisting  of two AVPs, the ALRP-Namespace AVP and the ALRP-Priority

==> "App-Level-Resource-Priority" may also be
"Application-Level-Resource-Priority" as in
==> to ease the mapping with I-D.ietf-tsvwg-emergency-rsvp, the second
AVP in the grouped AVP should be renamed "ALRP-Value AVP", as the name
of the field is Application-Level Resource Priority policy element.

Section 5.  Security Considerations


==> Is there any ongoing discussion on this topic. If there is no
specific security issue with the introduction of this set of AVP, maybe
a text like in RFC 5777 would be good enough

   "This document describes the extension of Diameter for conveying
   Quality of Service information.  The security considerations of the
   Diameter protocol itself have been discussed in RFC 3588 [RFC3588].
   Use of the AVPs defined in this document MUST take into consideration
   the security issues and requirements of the Diameter base protocol."