Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-overload-05
<> Wed, 15 June 2016 09:45 UTC
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Hi, As indicated, here is a review of the draft for discussion. The main focus in my review is the alignment with the RFC7683. Regards, Lionel ********* 1. Introduction [LM] I would start directly the introduction with: This document extends the base Diameter endpoint overload specification to address the case when Diameter Agents become overloaded. [...] [LM] followed by a brief description of the base mechanism and to better explain then why this document "defines new overload report type". 3.1.3. Agent Chains There are also deployment scenarios where there can be multiple Diameter Agents between Diameter Clients and Diameter Servers. Examples of this type of deployment include when there are edge agents between Diameter networks. Another example of this type of deployment is when there are multiple sets of servers, each supporting a subset of the Diameter traffic. OLD: Examples of this type of deployment include when there are edge agents between Diameter networks. NEW: Examples of this type of deployment include when there are edge agents between Diameter networks. OLD: Another example of this type of deployment is when there are multiple sets of servers, each supporting a subset of the Diameter traffic. NEW: Another example of this type of deployment is when when servers of a domain are grouped in pools, each pool supporting a subset of the Diameter traffic received by front-end proxies. 3.2. Diameter Endpoint Use Cases [LM] In this section, it would be helpful to clearly see what is different here compared to what is possible with the RFC7683. For instance, by emphasizing from the beginning the difference between "host" and "peer" reports and between "end-to-end" and "hop-by-hop". Otherwise, it would be difficult to understand the title "Diameter endpoint use cases" in this document. 5.1.1. Reacting Node Behavior When sending a Diameter request a DOIC node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature MUST include an OC-Supported-Features AVP with an OC-Feature-Vector AVP with the OC_PEER_REPORT bit set. [LM] the "MUST" here is not appropriate. A DOIC node MUST insert the OC-Supported-Features AVP as per RFC7683. It is not a new requirement introduced by this document. It should rather be: "MUST include in the OC-Supported-Features AVP an OC-Feature-Vector AVP with the OC_PEER_REPORT bit set." Note: The sender of a request can be a Diameter Client or Diameter Server that originates the Diamter request or a Diameter Agent that relays the request. [LM] Not sure that the NOTE is required here. Support for the OC_PEER_REPORT feature does not impact the logic for setting of other feature bits in the OC-Feature-Vector AVP. [LM] not sure it is relevant. If it is, could be more appropriate in section 6.1.1 When sending a request a DOIC node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature MUST include an OC-SourceID AVP in the OC-Supported-Features AVP with its own DiameterIdentity. Note: This allows the DOIC nodes in the path of the request to determine if the indication of support came from a Diameter peer or if the request traversed a node that does not support the OC_PEER_REPORT feature. [LM] not required as it is explained in the section defining the OC-SourceID and its use is described in other sections. When relaying a request that includes an OC-SourceID AVP in the OC- Supported-Features AVP, a DOIC node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature must remove the received OC-SourceID AVP and replace it with an OC-SourceID AVP containing its own Diameter identity. [LM] if the comments are accepted, the section could be simplified as follow: NEW: When sending a Diameter request, a DOIC node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature MUST include in the OC-Supported-Features AVP an OC-Feature-Vector AVP with the OC_PEER_REPORT bit set. The OC-Supported-Features AVP MUST include an OC-SourceID AVP with the DOIC node sending the request. When relaying a request that includes an OC-SourceID AVP in the OC- Supported-Features AVP, a DOIC node that supuports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature must remove the received OC-SourceID AVP and replace it with an OC-SourceID AVP containing its own Diameter identity. 5.1.2. Reporting Node Behavior When receiving a request a DOIC node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature MUST update transaction state with an indication of whether or not the peer from which the request was received supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature. Note: The transaction state is used when the DOIC node is acting as a peer-report reporting node and needs send OC-OLR reports of type PEER_REPORT in answer messages. The peer overload reports are only included in answer messages being sent to peers that support the OC_PEER_REPORT feature. [LM] Not sure of the need for the transaction state, that is not really defined in this document, compared to the OCS entry required by the RFC7683. [LM] the base mechanism is governed by the following requirement in RFC7683: A reporting node MUST NOT include the OC-Supported-Features AVP, OC-OLR AVP, or any other overload control AVPs defined in extension documents in response messages for transactions where the request message does not include the OC-Supported-Features AVP. Lack of the OC-Supported-Features AVP in the request message indicates that there is no reacting node for the transaction. [LM] is there any need to modify this requirement? [LM] the NOTE is not required if you follow the RFC7683 When relaying an answer message, a reporting node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature MUST strip any SourceID AVP from the OC- Supported-Features AVP. [LM] I know that it was discussed by Jean but I didn't get the conclusion: does the node strip any existing sourceID and include its own? When sending an answer message, a reporting node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature MUST determine if the peer to which the answer is to be sent supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature. [...] [LM] in the rest of the section, the only clarification with the basic mechanism defined in RFC7683 is on how to check the support of peer report. Some "MUST" are not appropriate as implicitly required by the support of RFC7683. 5.2.1. Overload Control State [LM] consistency with RFC7683 is important. Reporting Node Peer Report OCS A DOIC Node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature SHOULD maintain Reporting Node Peer Report OCS. This is used to record overload events and build overload reports at the reporting node. [LM] in the RFC7683, it is said: "A reporting node maintains OCS entries per supported Diameter application, per supported (and eventually selected) abatement algorithm, and per report type. An OCS entry is identified by the tuple of Application-ID, report type, and abatement algorithm, and it includes the following information (the actual information stored is an implementation decision): o Sequence number o Validity duration o Expiration time o Input data that is algorithm specific (for example, the reduction percentage for the loss abatement algorithm)" [LM] does it apply for the peer report also? If yes, why do not reuse the text from RFC7683, with a specific reference? Especially, the mean for OCS entry identification and notion of "application" disappear in this document. If different abatement specific contents are sent to each peer then the reporting node MUST maintain a separate peer node peer report OCS entry per peer to which a peer overload report is sent. Note: The rate overload abatement algorithm allows for different rates to be sent to each peer. [LM] not sure that it is required if it is said that there is an OCS entry per peer from the beginning. The Reporting Node Peer Report OCS entry MAY include the following information (the actual information stored is an implementation decision): [LM] see comment above Reacting Node Peer Report OCS A DOIC node that supports the OC_PEER_REPORT feature SHOULD maintain Reacting Node Peer Report OCS for each peer with which it communicates. This is used to record overload reports received from peer nodes. A Reacting Node Peer Report OCS entry is identified by the DiameterIdentity of the peer as communicated during the RFC6733 defined Capability Exchange procedure. The Reacting Node Peer Report OCS entry MAY include the following information (the actual information stored is an implementation decision): o Sequence number o Expiration Time o Abatement Algorithm o Algorithm specific input data (for example, the Reduction Percentage for the Loss Abatement Algorithm) [LM] in RFC7683, we have: "A reacting node maintains the following OCS per supported Diameter application: o a host-type OCS entry for each Destination-Host to which it sends host-type requests and o a realm-type OCS entry for each Destination-Realm to which it sends realm-type requests. A host-type OCS entry is identified by the pair of Application-ID and the node's DiameterIdentity. A realm-type OCS entry is identified by the pair of Application-ID and realm. The host-type and realm-type OCS entries include the following information (the actual information stored is an implementation decision): o Sequence number (as received in OC-OLR; see Section 7.3) o Time of expiry (derived from OC-Validity-Duration AVP received in the OC-OLR AVP and time of reception of the message carrying OC-OLR AVP) o Selected abatement algorithm (as received in the OC-Supported- Features AVP) o Input data that is abatement algorithm specific (as received in the OC-OLR AVP -- for example, OC-Reduction-Percentage for the loss abatement algorithm)" [LM] when adapted to this document, we should have: A reacting node maintains the following OCS per supported Diameter application: o a peer-type OCS entry for each peer to which it sends host-type requests A peer-type OCS entry is identified by the pair of Application-ID and the peer's DiameterIdentity. The peer-type OCS entry include the following information (the actual information stored is an implementation decision): o Sequence number (as received in OC-OLR; see Section 7.3) o Time of expiry (derived from OC-Validity-Duration AVP received in the OC-OLR AVP and time of reception of the message carrying OC-OLR AVP) o Selected abatement algorithm (as received in the OC-Supported- Features AVP) o Input data that is abatement algorithm specific (as received in the OC-OLR AVP -- for example, OC-Reduction-Percentage for the loss abatement algorithm) [LM] is there any reason to deviate from this approach? 5.2.2. Reporting Node Maintenance of Peer Report OCS A reporting node SHOULD create a new Reporting Node Peer Report OCS entry Section in an overload condition and sending a peer overload report to a peer for the first time. [LM] "sending" is not part of the OCS entry maintenance If the reporting node knows that there are no reacting nodes supporting the OC_PEER_REPORT feature then the reporting node can choose to not create OCS entries. All rules for managing the reporting node OCS entries defined in [RFC7683] apply to the peer report. [LM] I think that there is nothing specific to peer report here. Only the last paragraph could be kept. 5.2.3. Reacting Node Maintenance of Peer Report OCS When a reacting node receives an OC-OLR AVP with a report type of peer it MUST determine if the report was generated by the Diameter peer from which the report was received. If the DiameterID in the SourceID contained in the OLR matches the DiameterIdentity of the peer from which the request was received then the report was received from a Diameter peer. [LM] As discussed above, the match is performed per application in RFC7683. Any reason to deviate? If a reacting node receives an OC-OLR AVP of type peer and the SourceID does not match the ID of the Diameter peer from which the request was received then the reacting node MUST ignore the overload report. [LM] s/SourceID/DiemeterIdentity contained in the SourceID AVP s/ID of the Diameter peer/DiameterIdentity In all cases, if the reacting node is a relay then it MUST strip the OC-OLR AVP from the message. [LM] not part of the OCS entry maintenance. If the Peer Report OLR was received from a Diameter peer then the reacting node MUST determine if it is for an existing or new overload condition. The OLR is for an existing overload condition if the reacting node has an OCS that matches the received OLR. For a peer report-type this means the DiameterIdentity received in the SourceID AVP matches the DiameterIdentity of an existing peer report OLR. [LM] Based on RFC7683, For peer report, the text could be: "The OLR is for an existing overload condition if a reacting node has an OCS that matches the received OLR. For a peer report, this means it matches the Application-ID and the peer's DiameterIdentity in an existing peer OCS entry." [LM] OK with rest of the section [LM] No specific comment on the rest of the document. De : Lionel MORAND<> Envoyé : lundi 13 juin 2016 22:25 À : Steve Donovan<>, Maria Cruz Bartolome<>,<> Hi Steve, Reviewing the draft, I have additional comments that I will post tomorrow. Regards, Lionel Envoyé de mon Orange Nura 2 Le 13 juin 2016 22:14, Steve Donovan <> a écrit : Lionel, Jouni, I've incorporated all of the suggested changes into the draft. I believe the time period for the WGLC has expired. Please advise if I should publish the new version or if you want to wait for more comments. Regards, Steve On 6/13/16 8:06 AM, wrote: > Thank you for the useful discussion. > I'm OK with the output and the proposed changes. > > regards, > > Lionel > >> -----Message d'origine----- >> De : DiME [] De la part de Maria Cruz Bartolome >> Envoyé : vendredi 10 juin 2016 10:02 >> À : Steve Donovan; >> Objet : Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-overload-05 >> >>>>> 2. Clause 5.2.3 >>>>> "In all cases, if the reacting node is a relay then it MUST strip the >>>>> OC-OLR AVP from the message." >>>>> >>>>> But, will the relay react against the overload report received? i.e. is it a >> "reacting node" or it is just relaying the message? >>>> SRD> That is determined by the other statements in that section. If >>>> SRD> the >>>> SourceID received in the message matches that of a peer then the relay is a >> reacting node. If it doesn't match then it is not a reacting node. Either way, the >> OC-OLR AVP is stripped. >>>> MCRUZ> But a relay can't be a "reacting node", can it? A relay does not read >> or understand any AVP apart from routing related AVPs. >>> SRD> Yes a relay is the reacting node for any next hop that generates >>> SRD> a >>> peer overload report. As with base DOIC, a relay must be able to handle DOIC >> AVPs, in addition to the routing AVPs. >>> MCRUZ> In DOIC this is not explicitly mentioned, and I do not see the need. >> Moreover, this changes the definition of what a relay is. >> SRD2> You are correct, it should say agent, not relay. In my mind an >> agent that is a relay can also be a reacting node by expanding the definition of >> routing related AVPs to include DOIC AVPs. I consider this valid as these AVPs, >> and the LOAD AVPs all impact routing decisions. This, however, is somewhat >> academic as the practical impact of calling an agent that is a reacting node a >> relay or a proxy isn't meaningful. >> >> SRD> I'll change the word in the above clause to agent. >> MCRUZ> Thanks Steve. I think this change applies to other places in the draft. >> >> >>>>> 8. Clause 4 >>>>> >>>>> "Any messages that survive throttling due >>>>> to host or realm reports should then go through abatement for the >>>>> peer overload report." >>>>> >>>>> There is an interaction between PEER and HOST reports. The reduction of >> traffic towards a HOST reduces as well the traffic through the agents in the path. >> This should be taken into account when applying reduction for that particular >> PEER. However, depending on the routing schema it may not be straight forward >> to identify what is the reduction for each agent path when reducing traffic >> towards a HOST. >>>> SRD> The goal of this statement is to say that when a Diameter node >>>> SRD> is >>>> applying overload abatement algorithms, the order in which active >>>> overload reports are applied is host/realm report first and then peer >>>> report. In other words, abatement is done for traffic being sent to >>>> a host and then independent abatement is done for the peer to which >>>> the request is to be routed. If these are treated as independent >>>> actions then I don't understand the issue you are raising. >>>> >>>> MCRUZ> If you think the PEER algorithm is RATE, then there is not >> interaction, as long as when PEER abatement is performed after HOST/REALM, >> it simply keeps a RATE. However, if the PEER algorithm is LOSS, when performed >> after HOST/REALM it should be stated that it is the initial traffic (before any >> HOST/REALM abatement) the one that should be taken into account. Then, I >> think a clarification is required. >>> SRD> While it is true that, as stated, the presence of a HOST LOSS >>> report and a peer LOSS report could result in extra messages being abated, I >> would prefer to keep the definition of the interaction as simple as possible and >> not change the requirement. My reasoning is that there is value in keeping it >> simple, especially given that it a self correcting scenario. The next hop will see >> more of a reduction than it was expecting and will subsequently update the >> requested reduction. If there isn't consensus on this approach we can do a >> special case on this scenario. >>> MCRUZ> I think we need to cover these cases, since having extra throttling >> even if it is compensated later will cause first unnecessary drop messages and >> second traffic oscillations. Both things should be avoided. >> SRD> How about if we add the following: >> >> Any messages that survive throttling due to host or realm reports should then >> go through abatement for the >> peer overload report. In this scenario, when doing abatement on the PEER >> report, the reacting node SHOULD >> take into consideration the number of messages already throttled by the >> handling of the HOST/REALM report abatement. >> >> Note: The goal is to avoid traffic oscillations that might result from >> throttling of messages for both >> the HOST/REALM overload reports and the PEER overload reports. This is >> especially a concern if both >> reports are of type LOSS. >> >> MCRUZ> I think this is fine. Thanks >> >> _______________________________________________ >> DiME mailing list >> >> > _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc > pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. 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- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… lionel.morand
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… lionel.morand
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… lionel.morand
- [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-overload… Jouni Korhonen
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… A. Jean Mahoney
- [Dime] FW: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] FW: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent… lionel.morand
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… A. Jean Mahoney
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… lionel.morand