[Din] IEEE ICBC 2019 - Call for Demos
Jérôme François <jerome.francois@inria.fr> Tue, 19 February 2019 12:46 UTC
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IEEE ICBC 2019 (SEOUL, KOREA – May 14-17, 2019) - CALL FOR DEMOS Important Dates * Submission Deadline: March 15, 2019 * Acceptance Notification: March 29, 2019 * Camera Ready: April 5, 2019 Demo Paper Submission: The submissions should be done via JEMS (https//jems.sbc.org.br). Call for Demos: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC 2019, http://www.ieee-icbc.org/) invites proposals for demonstrations of research prototypes and decentralized applications. As a high-profile, leading edge forum for researchers and engineers in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency, ICBC 2019 offers a unique opportunity to showcase applications, engage with a highly skilled and innovating audience and discuss emerging technologies and recent research prototypes with key thought leaders. Demonstrations showcasing working systems, innovative applications, groundbreaking ideas, and novel concepts related to blockchain and cryptocurrency are welcome. An award for the best demo will be presented at the ICBC 2019 closing ceremony. Submission Guidelines for Demos: Prospective contributors are expected to turn in a demo proposal in the form of a 2-page paper in IEEE conference double-column format, preferably incorporating a demo system architecture illustration. Demo papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be included in the electronic conference proceedings bundle provided to ICBC 2019 delegates and will be subsequently made available via IEEE Xplore. Demo papers should be submitted via jems by March 15, 2019; acceptance notifications will be sent no later than March 29, 2019 and camera ready versions should be uploaded via JEMS by April 5, 2019. The demo proposals will be reviewed by the ICBC 2019 demo program committee and will be approved based on availability of demo space as well as on the following criteria: * Extent and significance of the research contribution, * Potential impact on the audience, * Quality of the proposed implementation, * Presentation quality. At least one author of each accepted demo proposal is required to register for the ICBC 2019 at the full conference rate and present their demo at the scheduled demo session. Demonstrations Co-chairs Please feel free to contact the demo co-chairs if you have any questions regarding to the demo content or setup * Fan Long, U. of Toronto, Canada, * Jerome Francois, INRIA, France, * Dan Ford, IBM Research, USA, * Youngjoon Won, Hanyang University, Korea
- [Din] IEEE ICBC 2019 - Call for Demos Jérôme François