[Din] dinrg - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 102
"\"IETF Secretariat\"" <agenda@ietf.org> Tue, 03 July 2018 16:00 UTC
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Subject: [Din] dinrg - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 102
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Dear Dirk Kutscher, The session(s) that you have requested have been scheduled. Below is the scheduled session information followed by the original request. dinrg Session 1 (2:30 requested) Friday, 20 July 2018, Morning Session I 0930-1130 Room Name: Centre Ville size: 200 --------------------------------------------- iCalendar: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/102/sessions/dinrg.ics Request Information: --------------------------------------------------------- Working Group Name: Decentralized Internet Infrastructure Proposed RG Area Name: IRTF Session Requester: Dirk Kutscher Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session(s): 2.5 Hours Number of Attendees: 70 Conflicts to Avoid: First Priority: icnrg trans tls Second Priority: ace People who must be present: Melinda Shore Dirk Kutscher Resources Requested: Special Requests: - not on Monday - at IETF-101, we had more people than expected. It's difficult to predict this time, but perhaps try to give us a larger room (with more than 50 seats) if possible -- thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------
- [Din] dinrg - Requested session has been schedule… "IETF Secretariat"