Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable blockchain systems
Jehan Tremback <> Mon, 04 June 2018 19:29 UTC
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I’m not on the cosmos team, although I do know them. I’ll try to see if one of their team members have time to join this discussion. I don’t have the expertise to do either protocol justice. -- Jehan Tremback On Mon, Jun 4, 2018, at 3:17 PM, Thomas Hardjono wrote: > > >>> From: [] > >>> ... > >>> so for inter-ledger type thinking, we're connecting systems > >>> that fundamentally care about consistency - but define its > >>> eventuality differently - so a basic building block of an > >>> interoperabilty or inter-domain protocol would be to > >>> convey (and somehow reconcile) that variation in notion > >>> of how long before we agree about an append in domain 1, > >>> when were' 5 ledger domain hops away... > > > Jon, this is excellent. > > I've been struggling to find words to use for what you refer to as > "consistency", particularly with regards to the end-state > ("eventuality"). > > I'm assuming that at a high level, the "eventuality" is defined as > some> data-string being recorded on the ledger of a BC (i.e. all distributed> P2P nodes of the BC). > > As you correctly intuited, the consistency-problem is more > difficult for> cross-ledger transactions. > > A simple example with 1 entity only: Alice wants to "move" her > registered land-deed from BC1 to BC2 (direct, no hops). > > -- How many transactions does Alice's Application need to > transmit? (one> only to BC1; or one each to BC1 and BC2; or three: BC1; BC2 and > then BC1> again). > > Any thoughts how how to define "consistency" more > specific/technically?> > > -- thomas -- > > > > ________________________________________ > From: [] on behalf of Jon > Crowcroft [] > Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2018 10:12 AM > To: Thomas Hardjono > Cc: > Subject: Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable blockchain > systems > > looks sane (as did interledger) but we're missing (I think, but > may be I> missed it too) one of the big challenges for this compared with > scaling> (which is what you have to address in internetworking stuff whether > subnetworks with IP or IGPs with BGP, or serice+content with WWW - > that's a fundamentally difficult piece of distributed ledgers- > consistency > > one thing the e2e model did for thinking (amongst many) was to > think in> an intensely relaxed way about consistency - IP doesn't care if the > source is still where it was when the packet reaches the > destination (or> even first hop router. BGP doesn't care (much) about IGP convergance > when announcing (or withdrawing) prefixes and (most) AS paths. WWW > doesn't care if the remote page (server, site or content) are > there when> you add a URL to your site - all this is "fixed up later" by some > eventual consistency protocol (in IPs case, TCP; in the IGP/BGPs case> the linkstate and path vector and a lot of magic pixie dust and > luck; in> the WWW case, search/rank&shame and later maintenance) - > > so for inter-ledger type thinking, we're connecting systems that > fundamentally care about consistency - but define its eventuality > differently - so a basic building block of an interoperabilty or inter-> domain protocol would be to convey (and somehow reconcile) that > variation in notion of how long before we agree about an append in > domain 1, when were' 5 ledger domain hops away... > > which reminds me, am I allowed to coin that term "ledgerdomain" ? :-)> > On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 2:51 PM, Thomas Hardjono > <<>> wrote: > > Here is a question I'd like to throw out to this community regarding > "interoperable blockchain systems" -- a topic which will undoubtedly > come to the forefront (assuming it doesn't get drowned-out or > killed by> the barrage of hype about BC): > > -- Minimal assumption: What is the minimal assumption for > interoperable> blockchain systems with regards to the notion of transaction units. In> other words, what is the “datagram” equivalent of transactions > – namely> the transaction unit that is semantically understandable (processable)> by multiple different blockchain systems. > > This is a question we posed in our recent discussion paper: > > > > Would love to get your thoughts on this "datagram" equivalent question> (or if this framework of thought is even the correct one). > > > Best > > > -- thomas -- > > _______________________________________________ > Din mailing list ><> > > _______________________________________________ > Din mailing list > >
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Jon Crowcroft
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Thomas Hardjono
- [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable blockc… Thomas Hardjono
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Jon Crowcroft
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Jehan Tremback
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Jon Crowcroft
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Arjuna Sathiaseelan
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Thomas Hardjono
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Jehan Tremback
- Re: [Din] Minimal assumption for interoperable bl… Jon Crowcroft