[Din] Fwd: IAB Workshop Call for Papers: Design Expectations vs. Deployment Reality

"Dirk Kutscher" <ietf@dkutscher.net> Sat, 13 April 2019 13:41 UTC

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Forwarded message:

> From: IAB Chair <iab-chair@iab.org>
> To: ietf@ietf.org, ietf-announce@ietf.org, execd@iab.org
> Subject: IAB Workshop Call for Papers: Design Expectations vs. 
> Deployment Reality
> Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2019 11:28:40 -0700
> Design Expectations vs. Deployment Reality in Protocol Development
> A number of protocols have presumed specific deployment models during 
> the development or early elaboration of the protocol.  Actual 
> deployments have sometimes run contrary to these early expectations 
> when economies of scale, DDoS resilience, market consolidation, or 
> other factors have come into play. These factors can result in the 
> deployed reality being highly concentrated.
> This is a serious issue for the Internet, as concentrated, centralized 
> deployment models present risks to user choice, privacy, and future 
> protocol evolution.
> On occasion, the differences to expectations were almost immediate, 
> but they also occur after a significant time has passed from the 
> protocol’s initial development.
> Examples include:
> Email standards, which presumed many providers running in a largely 
> uncoordinated fashion, but which has seen both significant market 
> consolidation and a need for coordination to defend against spam and 
> other attacks. The coordination and centralized defense mechanisms 
> scale better for large entities, which has fueled additional 
> consolidation.
> The DNS, which presumed deep hierarchies but has often been deployed 
> in large, flat zones, leading to the nameservers for those zones 
> becoming critical infrastructure. Future developments in DNS may see 
> concentration through the use of globally available common resolver 
> services, which evolve rapidly and can offer better security. 
> Paradoxically, concentration of these queries into few services 
> creates new security and privacy concerns.
> The Web, which is built on a fundamentally decentralized design, but 
> which is now often delivered with the aid of Content Delivery 
> Networks.  Their services provide scaling, distribution, and Denial 
> of Service prevention in ways that new entrants and smaller systems 
> operators would find difficult to replicate.  While truly small 
> services and truly large ones may operate using only their own 
> infrastructure, many others are left with the only practical choice 
> being the use of a globally available commercial service.
> Similar developments may happen with future technologies and services. 
> For instance, the growing use of Machine Learning technology presents 
> challenges for distributing effective implementation of a service 
> throughout a pool of many different providers.
> In RFC 5218 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5218>the IAB tackled what 
> made for a successful protocol.  In RFC 8170 
> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8170>, the IAB described how to handle 
> protocol transitions.  This workshop will explore cases where the 
> initial system design assumptions turned out to be wrong, looking for 
> patterns in what caused those assumptions to fail (e.g., concentration 
> due to DDoS resilience) and in how those failures impact the security, 
> privacy, and manageability of the resulting deployments.
> While the eventual goals might include proposing common remediations 
> for specific cases of confounded protocol expectations, the IAB is 
> currently inviting papers which:
>  *
>    Describe specific cases where systems assumptions during protocol
>    development were confounded by later deployment conditions.
>  *
>    Survey a set of cases to identify common factors in these 
> confounded
>    expectations.
>  *
>    Explore remediations which foster user privacy, security and
>    provider diversity in the face of these changes.
> Important Dates
> The workshop will be held June 4-5 in Helsinki, Finland.
> Position papers must be submitted by May 3rd at the latest. The 
> program committee will review submitted position papers and send an 
> invitation to the workshop to one of the paper authors. Invitations 
> will be distributed by May 9 at the latest.
> Position Paper Requirements
> Interested parties must submit a brief document of one to four pages, 
> formatted as HTML, PDF, or plain text. We welcome papers that describe 
> existing work, answers to the questions listed above, new questions, 
> write-ups of deployment experience, lessons-learned from successful or 
> failed attempts, and ideally a vision towards taking deployment 
> considerations better in account when designing new Internet 
> technology. Re-submissions from work presented elsewhere are allowed.
> Program Committee
> The following persons are IAB contacts for this workshop:
> Jari Arkko
> Stephen Farrell
> Ted Hardie
> Christian Huitema
> Melinda Shore
> Brian Trammell
> Position papers should be sent by email to dedr-pc@iab.org.