Re: [Din] kick-start the discussion on DINRG charter revision

Melinda Shore <> Wed, 22 March 2023 17:27 UTC

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Subject: Re: [Din] kick-start the discussion on DINRG charter revision
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On 3/22/23 2:58 AM, Mallory Knodel wrote:
 > I do not believe the two topics— blockchain and internet centralisation—
 > are enough alike to justify a simple recharter the DINRG.

dinrg was not chartered as a blockchain-focused group, but people hear
"decentralization" and immediately think blockchain and distributed
ledgers, so that's largely, but not entirely, what we got.

FWIW, I think the proposed charter makes a lot of sense.  Because
there are so many other decentralized technology events and venues
it was always difficult to attract participation from people with
domain expertise, and the group ended up with attendance and attention
but not so much participation.  Removing the emphasis from actual
decentralization technology to the broader questions about internet
centralization does not, I think, change the overall relationship of the
group to the I* community but does improve the likelihood of productive 
work coming from it.

FWIW it was often frustrating that it was assumed that dinrg was a
blockchain research group and while we did get participation from
projects using DHTs and whatnot I do think that that incorrect
understanding tended to limit what was actually done.  I like the
overall direction of the new proposed charter.


Melinda Shore

Software longa, hardware brevis