[Din] Sidemeeting Today at IETF 121 Dublin
bumblefudge von CASA <bumblefudge@learningproof.xyz> Thu, 07 November 2024 09:55 UTC
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Subject: [Din] Sidemeeting Today at IETF 121 Dublin
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Dear DINRG: As mentioned yesterday in the meeting, I'm hosting a drop-in session today where people interested in the possible applicability of the Multiformats WG primitives to their use-cases can come chat. If you've been following the list and you have questions about what's possible, feel free to come by! I've made an .ics for people which includes the teleconferencing link: https://wiki.ietf.org/121/ietf121-multiformats-sidemeeting.ics It may be of interest to fans of RFC 6920 (NIH), self-describing data formats more generally, and alternate file systems, but I'm hoping a different combination of these kooky primitives could have utility in various other local-first systems, public-data systems with similar properties to BlueSky (which leans heavily on [CIDs][^1] for edge verifiability), etc. Thanks! --bf [^1]: https://github.com/multiformats/cid?tab=readme-ov-file#how-does-it-work --- bumblefudge janitor @Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance, IPFS Foundation contractable via learningProof UG mostly berlin-based
- [Din] Sidemeeting Today at IETF 121 Dublin bumblefudge von CASA