Re: [Din] kick-start the discussion on DINRG charter revision

Mallory Knodel <> Wed, 22 March 2023 10:58 UTC

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From: Mallory Knodel <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 06:58:01 -0400
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To: Jens Finkhaeuser <>
Cc: Dirk KUTSCHER <>, Lixia Zhang <>,
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Subject: Re: [Din] kick-start the discussion on DINRG charter revision
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I’ve been following DINRG since it’s first meeting.

I do not believe the two topics— blockchain and internet centralisation—
are enough alike to justify a simple recharter the DINRG.

Instead DINRG should be closed and a new RG should be established to
consider the work expressed in this new charter. The review process would
be different, and I think that matters.


On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 at 05:00, Jens Finkhaeuser <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> well, to help get this going, I think this new version has two major
> advantages: it's clearer and more concise on the one hand, and it doesn't
> mention specific technologies on the other. As a relative newcomer, that
> makes it a lot clearer what one can expect here.
> I do not have more detailed comments at the moment, but perhaps in further
> discussions.
> Jens
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 at 05:53, Lixia Zhang <>
> wrote:
> We discussed about DINRH charter revision before/at IETF 115. Let's get
> the ball rolling now.
> The current charter for DIN RG was developed in 2017. At the time, the
> focus was largely on recent software technologies, such as blockchains,
> that are commonly viewed as facilitating the decentralization of network
> infrastructure services. Over time, the group has gained much deeper
> understanding of the observed Internet consolidation. Therefore, we deem
> that a revision of DIN RG charter is due.
> Below is a brief revision draft, likely incomplete/inadequate. It solely
> serves the purpose of getting a discussion started. Please offer your input
> on revision/addition/deletions of any parts. We plan to summarize all the
> inputs to produce next revision before the DINRG meeting on Thursday March
> 30th.
> Dirk and Lixia
> ----------
> *The Charter for Decentralization of Internet Research Group*
> Recent years have witnessed the consolidations of Internet applications,
> services, as well as the infrastructure.  The Decentralization of Internet
> Research Group (DINRG) aims to provide for the IRTF/IETF community both an
> open forum to discuss the Internet centralization phenomena and associated
> potential threats, and a platform to facilitate the coordination of efforts
> in identifying the causes of observed consolidations and the mitigation
> solutions.
> DINRG's main objectives include the following:
>    - Measurement of Internet centralization and the consequential
>    societal impacts;
>    - Characterization and assessment of observed Internet centralization;
>    - Investigation of the root causes of Internet centralization, and
>    articulation of the impacts from market economy, architecture and protocol
>    designs, as well as government regulations;
>    - Exploration of new research topics and technical solutions for
>    decentralized system and application development;
>    - Documentation of the outcome from the above efforts; and
>    - Recommendations that may help steer Internet away from further
>    consolidation.
> DINRG will operate as an open platform to different technology solutions,
> not limited to specific technical approaches. We expect DINRG to foster a
> better understanding of the merits and constraints of specific technologies
> with respect to Internet decentralization.
> *Way of Working*
> DINRG will meet at least once per year at IETF meetings, and may hold
> additional meetings, either as standalone interim meetings, or co-located
> meetings at technical conferences and similar events. DINRG may also
> organize workshops that focus on specific research topics.
> DINRG will coordinate, and leverage synergies, with other IRTF groups
> including T2TRG, ICNRG, and Crypto Forum RG. In addition, DINRG will also
> provide inputs to IAB, as well as interested external organizations such as
> policy makers and regulatory bodies.
> _______________________________________________
> Din mailing list
Mallory Knodel
CTO, Center for Democracy and Technology
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