Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block on charter-ietf-sframe-00-00: (with BLOCK and COMMENT)
Richard Barnes <> Thu, 10 September 2020 14:19 UTC
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From: Richard Barnes <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 10:18:58 -0400
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To: Magnus Westerlund <>
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Subject: Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block on charter-ietf-sframe-00-00: (with BLOCK and COMMENT)
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Hi Magnus, I agree with Sergio here. The whole idea of SFrame is to have an encryption layer that doesn't care about any of the RTP nuances you talk about -- all of the details of how what decoder you send the plaintext to, substreams, etc. are handled by whatever RTP configuration mechanism you've set up. SFrame is just a translation layer between what you send on the wire and what you do all the other stuff with. Clearly, the nonce formation text is not clear. I've made some edits. --Richard On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 12:42 PM Magnus Westerlund via Datatracker <> wrote: > Magnus Westerlund has entered the following ballot position for > charter-ietf-sframe-00-00: Block > > When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all > email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this > introductory paragraph, however.) > > > > The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here: > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > BLOCK: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > I know we have had discussion touching on this before. But post vacation > and > looking on this charter again I think we need to have some additional > discussion of the goals and how the charter describes them in relation to > encoder sub-streams and identification of what is encapsulated. > > In regards to the below: > > This working group will not specify the signaling required to configure > SFrame > encryption. In particular, considerations related to SIP or SDP are out of > scope. This is because SFrame is intended to be applied as an additional > layer > on top of the base levels of protection that these protocols provide. This > working group will, however, define how SFrame interacts with RTP (e.g., > with > regard to packetization, depacketization, and recovery algorithms) to > ensure > that it can be used in environments such as WebRTC. > > I think there exist a conflict in the above paragraph in relation to stated > goals of the work. With the following earlier sentence: " It may also be > desirable to encrypt units of intermediate size (e.g., H.264 NALUs or AV1 > OBUs) > to allow partial frames to be usable." in mind creating an RTP payload > format > that is capable of carrying SFRAMEs that contains these units will require > some > interaction with the signalling. Even without these sub-stream SFRAMEs > there > exist a description capability that needs to exist in an RTP payload > format for > the end-consumer to correctly be able to route the protected data after > decapsulation and that the end-point having that capability. > > If the goal here when it comes to RTP is simply to be able to treat SFRAME > as > CODEC in WebRTC and thus use WebRTC InsertableStreams as a receiver of the > decrypted media ADUs. Require the use of the WebRTC application to have a > proprietary signalling to know what this ADU is and then route it to a > media > decoder? I can see that working in the WebRTC only context. However, I > would > prefer if some thought was spent on at least having a model for what > information may be needed to be able to handle the media streams. > Considering > RFC 7656 ( and the work that was > needed for us to up-level how RTP worked and even discuss this so that we > understood each other. I think SFRAME needs to discuss how it is going to > handle identification of the data encapsulated by SFRAMEs for media. A > single > media source can be encoded in multiple formats. Each format may produce > one or > more sub-streams of encoding for scalability or robustness and this needs > to > conveyed. > > So looking at the above challenges in the context of SFRAME over RTP. So a > possibility here is to say that the SSRC represents either just a media > source. > The RTP payload format provides only fragmentation of the SFRAME across > multiple RTP packets and the RTP timestamp can be used to indicate its > belonging in the timeline of the encoding. That puts a lot of the > identification on the SFRAME layer, but its minimizes the signalling > interactions related to RTP. However it creates limitation about what the > SFU > can do, especially when it comes to repair. Switching can be done based on > Frame-marker extension header. However, layer related loss detection > becomes > impossible without additional information, or use of multiple SSRCs. > > Thus, I think the charter as currently written are uncertain if it can be > executed on with stated goals. > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > COMMENT: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > * Information to form a unique nonce within the scope of the key > > Is this really "Information to form a" the best formulation. I am > uncertain if > the goal is to have a specification for how to generate unique Nonce values > within the context of a particular key, or if it is related to which > information sources that should be used when creating a nonce? > > > > -- > Sframe mailing list > > >
- [dispatch] Magnus Westerlund's Block on charter-i… Magnus Westerlund via Datatracker
- Re: [dispatch] Magnus Westerlund's Block on chart… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] Magnus Westerlund's Block on chart… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [dispatch] Magnus Westerlund's Block on chart… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] Magnus Westerlund's Block on chart… westhawk
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Richard Barnes
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Emad Omara
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Murray S. Kucherawy
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Magnus Westerlund's Block… Emad Omara