[dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation technology
Jonathan Rosenberg <jdrosen@jdrosen.net> Mon, 09 November 2009 07:43 UTC
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Folks, As you are all well aware, SIP has been very successful in the marketplace as a tool for voice and video within a single domain. Its success for inter-domain federation has been more limited, and it has seen almost no deployment over the public Internet for any-to-any federation, even though this was the model originally envisaged for SIP, and a model I still believe in. This is something that needed to be fixed, and I have fixed it. Today, Cullen and I submitted documents describing a new technology called ViPR. ViPR is a new federation technique which will finally enable the any-to-any SIP federation that we have always wanted for SIP. It solves several hard problems that have prevented widespread federation. In particular, it solves the phone number routing problem, providing a non-centralized technique that securely maps phone numbers to domains. It also provides a built-in solution for the VoIP anti-spam problem - a new one that is specific to VoIP. As such, it enables worldwide, scalable, any-to-any federation over the public Internet, securely, for phone numbers, and in a way that supports incremental deployability. This technology is not just documents - it is working code, and was announced by Cisco today as part of their products shipping early next year. I'm extremely excited about ViPR, and I think others will be too. The documents are: http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-rosenberg-dispatch-vipr-overview-01.txt http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rosenberg-dispatch-vipr-vap-00.txt http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rosenberg-dispatch-vipr-pvp-00.txt http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rosenberg-dispatch-vipr-sip-antispam-00.txt http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rosenberg-dispatch-vipr-reload-usage-00.txt Thanks, Jonathan Rosenberg jdrosen@jdrosen.net
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Jonathan Rosenberg
- [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation tec… Jonathan Rosenberg
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Richard Shockey
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Kevin P. Fleming
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Henry Sinnreich
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Klaus Darilion
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Klaus Darilion
- Re: [dispatch] Introducing ViPR: a new federation… Paul Kyzivat