[dispatch] Roman Danyliw's No Objection on charter-ietf-sframe-00-00: (with COMMENT)
Roman Danyliw via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> Wed, 09 September 2020 20:41 UTC
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From: Roman Danyliw via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org>
To: The IESG <iesg@ietf.org>
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Reply-To: Roman Danyliw <rdd@cert.org>
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Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2020 13:41:36 -0700
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Subject: [dispatch] Roman Danyliw's No Objection on charter-ietf-sframe-00-00: (with COMMENT)
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Roman Danyliw has entered the following ballot position for charter-ietf-sframe-00-00: No Objection When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this introductory paragraph, however.) The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-sframe/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ** I share Éric Vyncke concerns with the bulleted list of what SFRAME encapsulation will provide. My recommendation would be to reframe this text around what security properties/assurances/services this encapsulation will provide (rather than a functional list). ** If configuring the security services is out of scope, where is it anticipated that this signalling protocol work would occur?
- [dispatch] Roman Danyliw's No Objection on charte… Roman Danyliw via Datatracker
- Re: [dispatch] [Sframe] Roman Danyliw's No Object… Richard Barnes