[dispatch] Éric Vyncke's Block on charter-ietf-sframe-00-00

Richard Barnes <rlb@ipv.sx> Thu, 10 September 2020 14:27 UTC

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From: Richard Barnes <rlb@ipv.sx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 10:27:22 -0400
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To: "Eric Vyncke (evyncke)" <evyncke@cisco.com>
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Subject: [dispatch] Éric Vyncke's Block on charter-ietf-sframe-00-00
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Hi Éric,

For some reason, your Block didn't get sent to the relevant mailing lists,
so I'm crafting my own reply :)

- 'Selection among multiple encryption keys' should there be a way to use
> different encryption algorithm as well with the encapsulation (I noted that
> this bullet is explicitly for inside a session)?

No.  The assumption is that the algorithm is fixed for a given flow, but
there may be multiple keys (e.g., for different senders), and of course,
each encrypted unit needs a different nonce.  We could add some text to
clarify this if you think it's really necessary, but this seems like a
finer level of granularity than is needed in a charter.

> - like Magnus, I find "Information to form a unique nonce" pretty vague
> and is it 'nonce' or more 'initialization vector' ?

I've revised to be clear that the encapsulation has a standard nonce
formation algorithm, and the wire format provides the input to it.  The
word "nonce" is standard here (see

> - 'This working group will not specify the signaling required to configure
> SFrame encryption", it is unclear to me whether the WG will specify a
> control channel to negotiate keys and crypto algorithms as the current
> sentence appears more generic configuration (e.g., supported crypto
> algorithms)

No, the WG will not specify a control channel.  That is something the
application will have to provide.

> - only one milestone ? There is nothing about the RTP mapping document
> that is mentioned in the charter text

Yep.  Just one thing, the encapsulation.  The MLS mapping and RTP
considerations should both be small enough to be sections in that document.
