[dispatch] URLs and Protocols (was IETF 99 DISPATCH meeting notes - summary (A. Jean Mahoney))
Anton Tveretin <tveretinas@yandex.ru> Fri, 21 July 2017 22:02 UTC
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Subject: [dispatch] URLs and Protocols (was IETF 99 DISPATCH meeting notes - summary (A. Jean Mahoney))
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Hello All, Maybe off-topic, but: This reminds me how SDP defines a protocol stack. Consider a (rather) simple stack: audio/g722(PT=15)/RTP/UDP(port=1505)/IP( But SDP transforms it into 3 (or more) lines: m=audio 1505 RTP/AVP 15 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:15 g722 So introducing new protocols (SCTP, DTLS) into a stack became a problem. We should remember the KISS principle. Regards, Anton
- [dispatch] URLs and Protocols (was IETF 99 DISPAT… Anton Tveretin