[dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Open Cloud Mesh
Jim Fenton <fenton@bluepopcorn.net> Mon, 20 January 2025 18:40 UTC
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From: Jim Fenton <fenton@bluepopcorn.net>
To: Giuseppe Lo Presti <Giuseppe.LoPresti=40cern.ch@dmarc.ietf.org>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 10:40:11 -0800
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Subject: [dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Open Cloud Mesh
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Giuseppe, We are currently waiting for an announcement from IESG on whether we will convene a combined Alldispatch session, or whether there will be separate dispatch sessions by area (or something in between). We expect that announcement soon, and will then be able to address the agenda. THanks for your submission, we have noted it for whatever format emerges. -Jim On 20 Jan 2025, at 1:24, Giuseppe Lo Presti wrote: > Dear Jim, Shuping, and the Dispatch WG, > > Hope this email finds you well. I'm Giuseppe from CERN, Geneva, and together with the co-authors in cc we have recently submitted an IETF Draft [1] for a server federation protocol called Open Cloud Mesh. > > This protocol is used across a number of commercial and open-source cloud sync&share storage platforms, and a recent effort at standardizing it - also in the context of a W3C Community Group - produced the mentioned IETF Draft, with the scope of a wider dissemination and adoption. > > We have been advised to get in contact with you to see how to progress with this: would you be able to let us know when is the next opportunity for including this Draft in an agenda for discussion? I'm also available for a call if you think it may help to get more details about the process, some time in the afternoon European Time. > > Thanks in advance for any advice on the matter. > > Sincerely, > Giuseppe > > [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lopresti-open-cloud-mesh/ > > > -- > Dr. Giuseppe Lo Presti > Computing Engineer > CERN/IT, Storage and Data Management > Geneva - Switzerland > > _______________________________________________ > dispatch mailing list -- dispatch@ietf.org > To unsubscribe send an email to dispatch-leave@ietf.org
- [dispatch] Discussing the IETF Draft about Open C… Giuseppe Lo Presti
- [dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Op… Jim Fenton
- [dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Op… Giuseppe Lo Presti
- [dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Op… Giuseppe Lo Presti
- [dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Op… Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)
- [dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Op… Giuseppe Lo Presti
- [dispatch] Re: Discussing the IETF Draft about Op… Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)