Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatch-clfc-00
WH Y <> Thu, 24 August 2023 14:31 UTC
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Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:30:58 +0200
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Subject: Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatch-clfc-00
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X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 14:31:47 -0000
From | Jim Fenton<> |
Date | 08/24/2023 06:53 |
To | WH Y<> |
Cc | <> |
Subject | Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatch-clfc-00 |
At first glance, this seems like that something that might fit in Transport Area rather than Applications. Have you checked with them at all?
On 23 Aug 2023, at 16:30, WH Y wrote:
Dear Dispatch WG,
We proposed a new draft on the bursty traffic collisions issue in real-time interactive video applications (such as cloud VR). This draft introduces our global flow control mechanism for concurrent bursty flows in the edge network. The egress of a data center can collaborate with wireless access points to prevent concurrent flows from getting into the network, thus guaranteeing a low transmission delay and decreasing network load.
Therefore, we designed a new message type for access network status reports. We also provided an example of how the egress of a data center can control every flow based on the message. You can find more details at" class="editor-rtfLink" rel="nofollow">
Does this work align with the interests and objectives of the Dispatch WG? If it does, we expect any feedback for improving our draft.
This is my first trial to propose a standard draft so I apologize in advance for any improper behavior.
Thank you and look forward to your guidance.
Best Regards,
Wanghong Yang
---------Draft Abstract----------------Bursty concurrent streams from holographic applications can cause congestion in wireless access networks, leading to increased delay and QoS issues. The egress server of a data center (DC egress) can regulate outbound network traffic and mitigate congestion if it obtains dynamic information about the wireless access network's queue and capabilities. The document proposes a network-assisted multi-flow transmission control scheme that leverages underlying link state information of access points to perform delay prediction and flow control at the DC egress to alleviate congestion and improve user experience.---------------------------------------------
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- [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatch-cl… WH Y
- Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatc… Jim Fenton
- Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatc… Ted Hardie
- Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatc… WH Y
- Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatc… Ted Hardie
- Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatc… WH Y
- Re: [dispatch] Feedback request for draft-dispatc…