[dispatch] De-munging mailing list messages

Alessandro Vesely <vesely@tana.it> Sat, 20 August 2022 12:44 UTC

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there still seems to be qualms about making full use of DMARC.  Part of them, I 
feel, are related to mailing lists.  All mailing lists I know have finally 
enabled From: munging.  But is it an annoyance for list participants to receive 
munged messages?

If a list saves the pristine value of From:, receivers can then restore it. 
That's the reason why RFC9057 introduces the Author: header field.

Would this list experiment adding Author: fields?
Would participants set up local MDA filters to restore From: based on that?

I asked these questions to dmarc list, but they're fed up with the topic of 
indirect mail flows, which they dealt with specifying ARC.  They are now beyond 
that phase, consider de-munging off topic, and suggested to ask here.

I tried and collected ideas on how to set up de-munging in the "simple method" 
of my draft:

(The draft also describes a "complex" method, which can be enabled by a 
recipient without coordinating with a ML.  It works ~50% of cases only.)
