[dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes
Dick Hardt <dick@sxip.com> Sat, 15 July 2006 17:38 UTC
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To: Digital Identity Exchange <dix@ietf.org>, IETF HTTP Auth <ietf-http-auth@lists.osafoundation.org>
From: Dick Hardt <dick@sxip.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 13:38:04 -0400
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The meeting started off with the usual agenda review. Agenda was accepted as proposed. The first item was Terminology. Reading assignment: read RFC 2828 Internet Security Glossary http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2828.txt Other Glossaries mentioned: Internet Security Glossary, Version 2 http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-shirey-secgloss-v2-04.txt SAMLv2: Glossary http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-glossary-2.0-os.pdf "identity gang" lexicon http://identitygang.org/Lexicon The next item was Problems we want to solve (see agenda) A few things were added: - whitelisting - claim minimality - proof of server identity Sam Hartman made his presentation, there were a few questions. There was then discussion on Problems we want to solve. ****** edit here -- right title? same as before Additional problems non-browsing HTTP support support for existing infrastructure Cross Application Credential (XAC) Grouping of problems was then started. Dick Hardt's slide was presented. Ekr proposed grouping the problem up as: EKR1: fix http auth - anti-phishing - passwords and other EKR2: cross-site identity, Eliot's dad, SSO EKR3: Claim & Attribute Transferral More detailed discussion on each problem then ensued: EKR1: Fix HTTP Auth AD questions to audience concluded with: - Liaise w/ W3C on GUI - Liaise w/ APWG - Layer / Arch TBD - can stand alone, but coordinate w/ EKR2 and EKR3 EKR1 does not require EKR2 EKR2: cross-site identifier (Eliot's dad problem was broken off to be EKR4) - raw assertions of identity are easier to trust than attributes - name subordination - existing technology, but glue work Question: Is there glue work to be done by the IETF? - no one thinks there is no glue work, 15 think there is, 15 are not sure 12 ok on work if EKR1 not happening, EKR3:Claim & Attribute Transferral - existing claims and syntaxes may be used - binds attribute assertions to underlying communication - not limited to HTTP Question: Is there glue work to be done here by the IETF? 12 support, a couple object EKR4: - eliot's dad problem part of EKR1 & EKR 2 Discussion if EKR1 and EKR2 required different BOFs at next IETF meeting. Clearly different drafts would be required. Best to combine group working on them. Meeting concluded 15 minutes late. _______________________________________________ dix mailing list dix@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dix
- [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Dick Hardt
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Eliot Lear
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Ben Laurie
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Nicolas Williams
- RE: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Hallam-Baker, Phillip
- [dix] the point of a standards process Joaquin Miller
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Nicolas Williams
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Eric Rescorla
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Nicolas Williams
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Jeffrey Altman
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Eric Rescorla
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Jeffrey Altman
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Dick Hardt
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Joe Orton
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Ben Laurie
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Ben Laurie
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Jeffrey Altman
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Ben Laurie
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Gavin Baumanis
- Re: [dix] DRAFT: WAE BOF minutes Richard Megginson
- [dix] WAE BOF minutes (Final cut) Pete Resnick
- Re: [dix] WAE BOF minutes (Final cut) Pete Resnick