[dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth transport (was: Possible use case: Opportunistic encryption for recursive to authoritative)
Peter van Dijk <peter.van.dijk@powerdns.com> Wed, 12 August 2020 10:51 UTC
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From: Peter van Dijk <peter.van.dijk@powerdns.com>
To: dprive@ietf.org
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 12:51:34 +0200
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Subject: [dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth transport (was: Possible use case: Opportunistic encryption for recursive to authoritative)
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(I changed the subject because this has turned into a solution conversation, instead of a use case conversation) On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 21:49 -0400, Paul Wouters wrote: > On Mon, 10 Aug 2020, Peter van Dijk wrote: > > > On Thu, 2020-08-06 at 23:04 -0400, Paul Wouters wrote: > > > In the case of encrypted DNS to authoritative servers, those servers > > > obviously can have an cryptographic ID based on FQDN. > > > > This is not obvious. It would be great if it was; but it isn't. > > Sorry, I did not realise it was not obvious to everyone, so let me > clarify: > > _853._dot.ns0.nohats.ca. IN TLSA <blob> > _443._doh.ns0.nohats.ca. IN TLSA <blob> Yes, that part seems obvious (if we assume the records live with the child, which I guess is obvious from your 'national MITM' argument in other threads). Many other aspects are not obvious. Some examples follow. Delegation NS records are not signed, so do we stick -those- (or a hash of the NSset perhaps?) into DS? Can we find those TLSA records without leaking the names of the name servers we are looking for, or do we decide that name server names are not a privacy leak? Do we move delegation-revalidation from 'possibly later' to 'always do that first', so that we get signed NS records before we look for TLSA? Do we expect resolvers to issue a couple of TLSA queries per NS before getting to the actual end user's question? 'Put TLSA records in your zone' is not a protocol. I'm sure we can define a protocol that revolves around TLSA, but your description is not yet it. That is what I mean by 'this is not obvious'. > This uses the unique FQDN of each nameserver's name. You can have > multiple TLSA records if you use different keys on some of your > nameservers (eg some outsourced to an ANYcloud provider) Assuming you use vanity names in the outsourcing (i.e. ns5.nohats.ca is actually a CloudFlare name server). If you don't use vanity names, the scaling mentioned just below comes for free because the outsourced operator would own the TLSA records (i.e. nohats.ca IN NS paul.cloudflare.com) > Note that this scales with the nameserver. For example by publishing the > above, the libreswan.org domain would also have dot/doh published as it > is using the same nameservers. This, to me, is the main selling point of tying key publication to NS names instead of zone names. Kind regards, -- Peter van Dijk PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/
- [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunistic en… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Ben Schwartz
- Re: [dns-privacy] [Ext] Possible use case: Opport… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… John R. Levine
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Tim Wicinski
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Puneet Sood
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Rob Sayre
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Puneet Sood
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Rob Sayre
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Manu Bretelle
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… John Levine
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Rob Sayre
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Paul Wouters
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Brian Haberman
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Ask Bjørn Hansen
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Paul Ebersman
- Re: [dns-privacy] [Ext] Possible use case: Opport… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Peter van Dijk
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Peter van Dijk
- Re: [dns-privacy] [Ext] Possible use case: Opport… Brian Haberman
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Tony Finch
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Paul Wouters
- [dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth trans… Peter van Dijk
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Vladimír Čunát
- Re: [dns-privacy] [Ext] Possible use case: Opport… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth t… Ilari Liusvaara
- Re: [dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth t… Paul Wouters
- Re: [dns-privacy] [Ext] TLSA for secure resolver-… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth t… Vladimír Čunát
- Re: [dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth t… Paul Wouters
- Re: [dns-privacy] Possible use case: Opportunisti… Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [dns-privacy] TLSA for secure resolver-auth t… Peter van Dijk