[dns-privacy] DELEG Chair Announcement.
Warren Kumari <warren@kumari.net> Fri, 17 May 2024 22:23 UTC
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From: Warren Kumari <warren@kumari.net>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 18:23:17 -0400
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To: dd@ietf.org, dnsop <dnsop@ietf.org>, ADD Mailing list <add@ietf.org>, DNS Privacy Working Group <dns-privacy@ietf.org>, DNS Directorate <dnsdir@ietf.org>, "Eric Vyncke (evyncke)" <evyncke@cisco.com>
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Subject: [dns-privacy] DELEG Chair Announcement.
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[ Apologies for the wide distribution - I sent the original request to multiple WGs, and so figured this announcement should go to the same. ] Hi all, First, huge thanks to everyone who volunteered to serve as chairs for the (in the process of being chartered) DELEG WG. We had a large selection of very qualified candidates, which was both good and bad. The good part is how many people are both qualified and willing to serve . The bad part is that this made is really difficult for Eric Vyncke and I to select who to appoint; we'd like to have been able to appoint everyone; but, after much discussion we have selected Brian Haberman and Duane Wessels as chairs. We would also like to appoint Tommy Jensen as WG secretary & delegate. Thank you very much again to everyone who volunteered, we really appreciate it. We hope that you will contribute to the work, and be willing to volunteer in the future (I'm also keeping the list around so I know whose arms to twist… :-) As an additional chair-related note: As an AD, it is easy to make a decision to appoint chairs, and then never revisit this decision - people get really busy, having "performance related" discussions is not fun, it's easy to procrastinate, etc. To help mitigate this (and force myself to have the conversations!) I would like to experiment with having (2 year) terms for chairs. This means that, in addition to the general "how are things going" discussions, I will be having a focused 1:1 discussion to confirm that they wish to continue, discuss how things are going, etc.[0]. Having the terms aligned does not seem great, and so I will be flipping a coin or using RFC3797 or similar to decide how to stagger the appointments. Thank you all again, W [0]: This is specifically not a term limit, and I expect in general to reappoint chairs, but this will help ensure that this is intentional and not just inertia / conflict avoidance…
- [dns-privacy] DELEG Chair Announcement. Warren Kumari