Re: [dnsext] RR type IANA requirements discussion
Alfred Hönes <> Mon, 16 April 2012 22:32 UTC
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Subject: Re: [dnsext] RR type IANA requirements discussion
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Regarding the renewed discussion on IANA requirements for RRtype registrations: Please keep in mind what draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc6195bis-00 now says ... a) in Section 3.1.1 (DNS RRTYPE Allocation Policy): IANA shall maintain a public archive of approved templates. In addition, if the required description of the RRTYPE applied for is referenced by URL, a copy of the document so referenced should be included in the archive. b) in the IANA Considearions (Section 5): [...]. IANA archives and makes available all approved RRTYPE allocation templates and referred documentation (unless it is readily available at a stable URI). [...] Isn't that clear enough now and doesn't that satisfy the strong desire of the community to have the registry unambiguously document what actually has been allocated for a new RR type ? Donald told me recently that he thought the 2-week expert review period would suffice because the Expert will check on consistency and completeness of the template and the referred-to documentation and simply will quickly reject the registration request if it doesn't. If changes are needed (e.g. a different mnemonic will be going to be assigned for clarity -- as it has happened), the expert will reject and the applicant will modify the template and documentation and re-submit. A template cannot be approved unless it matches what is going to be registered; that needs to be ensured by the Experts and IANA in the future, isn't it? (I.e., it MUST NOT happen again that the registry entry does not match the template/documentation linked to the registry entry.) Now that the WG prefers a longer period, that doesn't change the procedure -- or did I miss something? Kind regards, Alfred.
- Re: [dnsext] RR type IANA requirements discussion Alfred Hönes