[dnsext] Comments on draft-srose-dnssec-registry-update-00

Edward Lewis <Ed.Lewis@neustar.biz> Thu, 12 January 2012 16:47 UTC

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Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 11:47:48 -0500
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Subject: [dnsext] Comments on draft-srose-dnssec-registry-update-00
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Source: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-srose-dnssec-registry-update-00

Some contents are formatting, one is about content.

#                                               Trans-
#                                         Zone  action
#      Number  Description     Mnemonic   Sign  Sign     Reference
#      ------  -----------     ------     ----  -----    ---------
#        0      Reserved                                 [RFC4034]
#                                                        [RFC4398]
#        1      RSA/MD5         RSAMD5     N      Y      [RFC3110]
#        2      Diffie-Hellman  DH         N      Y      [RFC2539]
#        3      DSA/SHA-1       DSASHA1    Y      Y      [RFC2536]
#        4      Reserved
#        5      RSA/SHA-1       RSASHA1    Y      Y      [RFC3110]
#        6      DSA-NSEC3-SHA1  DSA-NSEC3  Y      Y      [RFC5155]
#                               -SHA1
#        7      RSASHA1-NSEC3   RSASHA1-   Y      Y      [RFC5155]
#               -SHA1           NSEC3-
#                               SHA1
#        8      RSA/SHA-256     RSASHA256  Y      *      [RFC5702]
#        9      Reserved
#       10      RSA/SHA-512     RSASHA512  Y      *      [RFC5702]
#       11      Reserved
#       12      GOST R          GOST-ECC   Y      *      [RFC5933]
#               34.10-2001
#      13-122   Unassigned
#      123-251  Reserved                                 [RFC6014]
#      252      Reserved for    INDIRECT   N      N      [RFC4034]
#               Indirect keys
#       253     private         PRIVATE    Y      Y      [RFC4034]
#               algorithm
#       254     private         PRIVATEOID Y      Y      [RFC4034]
#               algorithm OID
#       255     Reserved

Content - There is no reference for 4,9,11.  I would nominate the RFC 
[that this draft may become] be the reference entry.

And for 13-122 & 123-251, the reference should be the document that 
defines how they are assigned.

255 - should this be RFC 4034 too?

(In order from kind of an issue to would be nicer if...)

Formatting - the use of blank lines is inconsistent.  (After 1, 
there's a totally blank line, not after 0,2,3,...

Formatting - the Numbers column doesn't line up.

Formatting - If the table was wider, could we avoid the wrapping? 
(Perhaps whitespace issues are IANA's.)
Edward Lewis             
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

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