[dnsext] [reed@reedmedia.net: comments on draft-weiler-dnsext-dnssec-bis-updates 18]
Andrew Sullivan <ajs@anvilwalrusden.com> Mon, 07 May 2012 17:53 UTC
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Forwarded as suggested. I think the draft name is misspelled. A ----- Forwarded message from "Jeremy C. Reed" <reed@reedmedia.net> ----- Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 11:21:20 -0500 (CDT) From: "Jeremy C. Reed" <reed@reedmedia.net> To: ajs@anvilwalrusden.com Subject: comments on draft-weiler-dnsext-dnssec-bis-updates 18 The following are my comments on draft-weiler-dnsext-dnssec-bis-updates-18. You may forward my comments or reply on list as desired. 4.3. Check for CNAME Section 5 of [RFC4035] says little about validating responses based on (or that should be based on) CNAMEs. * The wording above is confusing or misleading. RFC 4035 Section 5 says nothing about CNAME specifically. 5.3. Private Algorithms ... In the remaining cases, the security status of the zone depends on whether or not the resolver supports any of the private algorithms in use (provided that these DS records use supported hash functions, as discussed in Section 5.2). * This may be confusing since the draft's section 5.2 matches up with numbering of RFC 4035's Section 5.2 and the draft's 5.2 does not use the terminology "hash functions". 5.6. Setting the DO Bit on Replies * Mention is is Section 3. 5.7. Setting the AD Bit on Queries The use of the AD bit in the query was previously undefined. * It was defined for queries. See RFC 4035 4.6: ``A security-aware resolver MUST clear the AD bit when composing query messages to protect against buggy name servers that blindly copy header bits that they do not understand from the query message to the response message.'' 6.1. Finding Zone Cuts * What are the "special rules" and "special processing rules"? The wording is unclear if these are the rules defined in RFC 4035 or if they are new special rules. In other words, what is the minor correction or clarification here? Appendix B. Discussion of Setting the CD Bit * Maybe mention "(server failure)" in first mention of RCODE=2. * Also be consistent with referring to RFC numbers, maybe always use brackets around them every time. ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Andrew Sullivan ajs@anvilwalrusden.com
- [dnsext] [reed@reedmedia.net: comments on draft-w… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [dnsext] [reed@reedmedia.net: comments on dra… Samuel Weiler