Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasing draft
Cary Karp <> Mon, 28 March 2011 06:09 UTC
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Quoting Suzanne > Well....I hope they will speak for themselves, but I think at this > point that what "the IDN people" want from the DNS people is some real > sense of what's possible, with roughly what tradeoffs. I think they > want any news we can give them, even if it's bad (and I'm not even > sure this is bad news). > > We can go into this a little more (briefly) in the session Monday > afternoon-- Andrew and anyone else who was in the ICANN IDN meetings > in San Francisco can probably shed some light. The impression I got from the ICANN IDN meetings in San Francisco was that the people who frequent such events have a strong qualitative sense of there being a problem but haven't yet managed to articulate it clearly, much less solve it. What might constitute a solution from their perspective is similarly elusive, but in ICANN terms would mean something that can serve as a basis for "consensus policies" (the sidestepping of which caused the present headache, in the first place). The expectation on the ICANN side has always been that the technical community, by virtue of its superior understanding of the quantifiable intricacies of the DNS, would be able to extrapolate whatever it needs to know about "the problem" from the discussion as it is being conducted in the ICANN venue. There is no basis for assuming that the potential insufficiency of that belief can be successfully communicated, so the best we're going to be able to do here is second guess something that might actually help. If that were an unequivocal statement of bad news, I have no idea how it would be received, but suspect that it's unsafe to make any assumptions about its potential for bringing the discussion to an end. /Cary
- [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasing dr… Ted Hardie
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… John Levine
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Suzanne Woolf
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Ted Hardie
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… John Levine
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Suzanne Woolf
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… John Levine
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Suzanne Woolf
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Mark Andrews
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Masataka Ohta
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… John R. Levine
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Cary Karp
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Xiaodong Lee
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Paul Vixie
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Alex Bligh
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Tony Finch
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Tony Finch
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… John Levine
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Douglas Otis
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Florian Weimer
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Tony Finch
- Re: [dnsext] Some thoughts on the updated aliasin… Doug Barton