[dnsext] rfc4035 & 5155 : order of RR's ?
"Marc Lampo" <marc.lampo@eurid.eu> Wed, 30 May 2012 11:31 UTC
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Hello, A stupid question, perhaps, but ... Both RFC4035 and RFC5155 talk in more or less global terms on adding DNSSEC RR's to the reply (answer/authority/addition sections). As an example of "global" term, a quote from RFC5155, section 7.2.3 : "The server MUST include the NSEC3 RR that matches QNAME." In RFC4035, section 3.1, the text states : "... must include additional RRSIG, NSEC, ... RRs, ..." (this is a paragraph of serving a DNSSEC'd zone, so I interpret "must include" as : must add them to the response) Seems to me neither RFC states anything about "order" : like first the RRset, followed by the RRSIG(s) over that RRset. Or does it ? Yet, in both RFC's the examples maintain that logical order. I now stumble over an authoritative NS that does not implement the order - but that does returns the correct type and number of RRs in its answer - and Bind (9.7) seems to have a problem with it. Hence my question : Are the RFC's somehow prescribing some "order" in RRset's and the accompanying DNSSEC RRs ? Thanks, Marc Lampo Security Officer EURid
- [dnsext] rfc4035 & 5155 : order of RR's ? Marc Lampo
- Re: [dnsext] rfc4035 & 5155 : order of RR's ? Francis Dupont