[dnsext] rfc6195bis registration template clarification
Alfred Hönes <ah@TR-Sys.de> Mon, 23 April 2012 18:39 UTC
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Subject: [dnsext] rfc6195bis registration template clarification
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I tried to figure out whether the rfc1995bis-ixfr draft needs to undergo the RRtype Expert Review per RFC 6195[bis]. It looks like that review only pertains to Data and Meta-RRtypes, (and the draft -- targeting Standards Track -- needs IETF review), but the registration policy table for RRtypes (entry for range 128-255) could be misunderstood to indicate otherwise. When looking at the registration template in RFC 6195[bis], I missed a structured opportunity for the applicant to indicate whether the application is for a Data RR or Meta-RR, which would be significant for IANA to select a proper numerical range in the assignment process. So I suggest to amend clause B. of the template in Appendix A of the rfc6195bis I-D as follows: OLD: | B. Submission Type: | [ ] New RRTYPE | [ ] Modification to existing RRTYPE NEW: | B. Submission Type: | [ ] New RRTYPE | [ ] Modification to existing RRTYPE | | Kind of RRTYPE: | [ ] Data RR | [ ] Meta-RR As an alternative, a new numbered item might be inserted; that would cause the need to renumber the exicsting items, which perhaps is less desirable for backwards compatibility with RFC 6195. A third alternative would be using item numbers "B.1." and "B.2.". Best regards, Alfred.
- [dnsext] rfc6195bis registration template clarifi… Alfred Hönes
- Re: [dnsext] rfc6195bis registration template cla… Donald Eastlake
- Re: [dnsext] rfc6195bis registration template cla… Olafur Gudmundsson
- Re: [dnsext] rfc6195bis registration template cla… Donald Eastlake
- Re: [dnsext] I-D Action: draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc619… Alfred Hönes
- Re: [dnsext] I-D Action: draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc619… Donald Eastlake