[dnsext] RFC 6605 (ECDSA in DNSSEC) -- Q & A
Alfred Hönes <ah@TR-Sys.de> Fri, 13 April 2012 15:26 UTC
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Subject: [dnsext] RFC 6605 (ECDSA in DNSSEC) -- Q & A
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DNSEXT folks, in particular prospective implementers, I have had some off-list conversations on ECDSA for DNSSEC and have been encouraged to make the material available and somehow linked to the just published RFC 6605. So now I start a new thread that should make it easier to be found when looking for information related to that RFC. I try to send my contribution as a .txt attachment. If desired, the Chairs could include this material into the WG wiki. This is staged like a FAQ -- although strictly speaking, the questions so far have not been asked "frequently". Feel free to follow up with more questions and answers! In the answers, I've tried to simplify very much to make the material understandable for non-specialists; please don't shoot me once you detect I have over-simplified some detail. :-) Kind regards, Alfred. -- +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | TR-Sys Alfred Hoenes | Alfred Hoenes Dipl.-Math., Dipl.-Phys. | | Gerlinger Strasse 12 | Phone: (+49)7156/9635-0, Fax: -18 | | D-71254 Ditzingen | E-Mail: ah@TR-Sys.de | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
- [dnsext] RFC 6605 (ECDSA in DNSSEC) -- Q & A Alfred Hönes
- [dnsext] informal publication space (was: RFC 660… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [dnsext] informal publication space (was: RFC… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dnsext] RFC 6605 (ECDSA in DNSSEC) -- Q & A Francis Dupont
- Re: [dnsext] RFC 6605 (ECDSA in DNSSEC) -- Q & A SM
- Re: [dnsext] RFC 6605 (ECDSA in DNSSEC) -- Q & A Miek Gieben
- Re: [dnsext] RFC 6605 (ECDSA in DNSSEC) -- Q & A Alfred Hönes