[DNSOP] Re: Last Call: <draft-ietf-dnsop-zoneversion-09.txt> (The DNS Zone Version (ZONEVERSION) Option) to Informational RFC

Petr Špaček <pspacek@isc.org> Thu, 04 July 2024 08:55 UTC

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Subject: [DNSOP] Re: Last Call: <draft-ietf-dnsop-zoneversion-09.txt> (The DNS Zone Version (ZONEVERSION) Option) to Informational RFC
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On 04. 07. 24 10:28, Joe Abley wrote:
> Hey,
> On 4 Jul 2024, at 09:15, Petr Špaček <pspacek@isc.org> wrote:
>> To be clear:
>> Let's not hang too tight on this particular example. It could be 
>> something crazy like
>> qname.zone1.test. CNAME target2.example.
>> target2.example. CNAME final.example.net.
>> final.example.net. A
>> (i.e. zone names have nothing in common except for the root)
> Yep. I still think the language you quoted would benefit from some 
> clarification though. Perhaps:
> 1.2. Terminology
> ADD:
> In this document, an "enclosing zone" of a domain name means a zone in 
> which the domain name is present as an owner name, or any parent of that 
> zone. For example, if B.C.EXAMPLE and EXAMPLE are zones, but C.EXAMPLE 
> is not, the domain name A.B.C.EXAMPLE would have the enclosing zones 
> B.C.EXAMPLE, EXAMPLE and the root zone.
> 3.2 Responders
> OLD:
>     A name server that (a) understands the ZONEVERSION option, (b)
>     receives a query with the ZONEVERSION option, (c) is authoritative
>     for the zone of the original QNAME, and (d) chooses to honor a
>     particular ZONEVERSION request responds by including a TYPE and
>     corresponding VERSION value in a ZONEVERSION option in an EDNS(0) OPT
>     pseudo-RR in the response message.
> NEW:
>     A name server that (a) understands the ZONEVERSION option, (b)
>     receives a query with the ZONEVERSION option, (c) is authoritative
>     for one or more enclosing zones of the original QNAME, and (d) chooses to honor a
>     particular ZONEVERSION request responds by including a TYPE and
>     corresponding VERSION value in one or more ZONEVERSION options in an EDNS(0) OPT
>     pseudo-RR in the response message.
> OLD:
>     A name server MAY include more than one ZONEVERSION option in the
>     response if it supports multiple TYPEs.  A name server MAY also
>     include more than one ZONEVERSION option in the response if it is
>     authoritative for more than one zone of the corresponding QNAME.  A
>     name server MUST NOT include more than one ZONEVERSION option for a
>     given TYPE and LABELCOUNT.
> NEW:
>     A name server MAY include more than one ZONEVERSION option in the
>     response if it supports multiple TYPEs.  A name server MAY also
>     include more than one ZONEVERSION option in the response if it is
>     authoritative for more than one enclosing zone of the corresponding QNAME.  A
>     name server MUST NOT include more than one ZONEVERSION option for a
>     given TYPE and LABELCOUNT.

Sounds clearer to me. I gather there's no appetite to make the wire 
format more generic and I think it's also fine.

Only comment I have is that LABELCOUNT could have been TYPE-dependent so 
a new TYPE could define different mechanism to identify zone, but hey, 
wasting 1 byte is not a big deal in the age of multi-gigabyte videos 
playing in the background constantly.

Unrelated thoughts:

Currently the document sorta implicitly talks about DNS queries - mainly 
implied by the structure of section 3.2 and listed possible answer types 
and RCODEs.

Should the document be explicitly limited to OPCODE=QUERY, or is there 
value in allowing other opcodes?

E.g. RCODE=YXRRSET comes to mind, where it could be useful for 

Oh, it just occured to me:
What if I throw in OPCODE=QUERY QTYPE=AXFR/IXFR just for fun.
Allow? Disallow? Leave undefined?

### Error handling advice
While re-reading it once more I wonder if sections 3.1 Initiators and 
3.2 Responders should have some more words about when to do when various 
MUST/SHOULDs are violated?

Say initiator gets answer with exactly duplicated ZONEVERSION. What now?
And what if LABEL and TYPE are duplicate but with different SERIAL 
values? What now?

Drop it on the floor as signal FORMERR in both cases? Or process and 
display as usual in the first but drop the second case? Or what?

This is my generic complains with dnsop documents - they often do not 
say what's expected behavior when constraints are violated. We can take 
it as a though experiment and see where we get.

Ad one specific case which _is_ defined:
 > A name server MUST ignore invalid ZONEVERSION options present in the 
query message.

Does that mean that server MUST ignore ZONEVERSION query with 60 000 
bytes of payload and proceed as usual? I would say it warrants FORMERR :-)

If you think I'm insane, well, you might be right! In my defense I've 
spent last year dealing with weird attacks misusing DNS protocol so I'm 
in the under-contant-attack mood...

Petr Špaček
Internet Systems Consortium