Re: [DNSOP] draft-yao-dnsop-idntld-implementation-01.txt

Kim Davies <> Fri, 06 November 2009 18:19 UTC

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From: Kim Davies <>
To: Andrew Sullivan <>, "" <>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:19:43 -0800
Thread-Topic: [DNSOP] draft-yao-dnsop-idntld-implementation-01.txt
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On 6/11/09 10:03 AM, "Andrew Sullivan" <> wrote:
>> since ICANN has approved the IDN ccTLD track, in a few months, there
>> will have some IDN tld and its variant appearing in the root soon.
> I am aware that ICANN has made that decision.  It bothers me when
> ICANN makes policy decisions with technical implications without,
> apparently, having worked through all the technical implications.

To be clear, ICANN has not made a decision to insert variants in the root,
precisely because there are implications that haven't yet been resolved. The
language of the implementation that was approved at ICANN's meeting last
week reads:

"The topic of delegation of variant TLDs and management of variant TLDs has
been discussed broadly in the community. ICANN staff has proposed a few
models, none of which were agreeable across the policy and technical
community reviewing the topic.

In order to stay within ICANN's mandate for ensuring a stable and secure
operation of the Internet, the following will be the case for the Fast Track
Process launch: 

1. Variant TLDs desired by the requester for delegation must be indicated by
the requester 

2. Desired variant TLDs will be allocated to the requester (if successfully
evaluated). This does not mean that the variant TLD will be delegated in the
DNS root zone. It will be allocated to the requester in order to be reserved
to the entitled manager for potential future delegation in the DNS root

3. A list of non-desired variants will be generated based on the received
IDN Tables.  Non-desired variants will be placed on a blocked list by ICANN.
Subsequent application or request for non-desired variants will be denied."
