[DNSOP] ANRW 2021 DNS Privacy session on Wednesday 28 July
Benno Overeinder <benno@NLnetLabs.nl> Tue, 27 July 2021 15:45 UTC
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To: DNSOP Working Group <dnsop@ietf.org>
From: Benno Overeinder <benno@NLnetLabs.nl>
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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 17:45:41 +0200
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Subject: [DNSOP] ANRW 2021 DNS Privacy session on Wednesday 28 July
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Hi all, As mentioned during the DNSOP WG session yesterday, the Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW 2021) also takes place this week. On Wednesday 28 July there will be a session on DNS Privacy, see the programme https://irtf.org/anrw/2021/program.html and scroll down to the session: * Encryption without Centralization: Distributing DNS Queries Across Recursive Resolvers, by Austin Hounsel, Paul Schmitt, Kevin Borgolte, and Nick Feamster * Institutional Privacy Risks in Sharing DNS Data, by Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova, and John Heidemann * DNS over TCP Considered Vulnerable, by Tianxiang Dai, Haya Shulman, and Michael Waidner Registration is still open, but needs some time to be processed. So don't wait for the last minute to sign up for ANRW to join the DNS Privacy session. -- Benno
- [DNSOP] ANRW 2021 DNS Privacy session on Wednesda… Benno Overeinder