[DNSOP] Special Use Names Summary
Tim Wicinski <tjw.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 07 October 2016 20:56 UTC
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Subject: [DNSOP] Special Use Names Summary
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Special Use Names Summary First, thanks to all for a pretty useful discussion. There were a few things uncovered which are not in either draft. It does appear that the draft-tldr-sutld-ps is the very rough consensus choice as a starting point. Both drafts say useful things, and the chairs would very much like to see people keep working to get all relevant points into one. The scoping question of choosing between “What do we think of RFC 6761” and “What underlying problem do we actually have” came up quite clearly, and seemed like a key factor to us. The chairs felt that a limited scope draft was possible, and what we were looking for. Even with a limited scope draft, we've found we can't ignore questions about the underlying assumptions behind 6761, both because they're not fully articulated and because they may not include several cases we care about. For example: - what problem do we have because we value uniqueness in domain names as an architectural principle, regardless of specific strings chosen? - what problem exists for the IETF even if we say we don’t care what other groups (ICANN, the Tor Project, open source creators) do? - what happens if we abandon this work, or deprecate RFC 6761? There are also several items which need clarifying, which the WG discussion may also include and the chairs will work on with the IESG and the IAB as appropriate. - Describing, as much as possible, how this work interlocks with ICANN’s policy authority over the DNS root zone - Providing guidelines for IETF WGs - Providing guidelines for domain name use outside of the IETF disposing of some distractions that keep coming up - Clarifying, to the degree possible, who has process authority over what (IESG, IAB, this WG, other IETF WGS) Thanks Tim/Suzanne
- [DNSOP] Special Use Names Summary Tim Wicinski
- Re: [DNSOP] Special Use Names Summary joel jaeggli
- Re: [DNSOP] Special Use Names Summary hellekin
- Re: [DNSOP] Special Use Names Summary Ted Lemon
- Re: [DNSOP] Special Use Names Summary Suzanne Woolf