[DNSOP] OARC Online 32a Workshop, June 9th, Call for contributions

Shumon Huque <shuque@gmail.com> Thu, 07 May 2020 22:33 UTC

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Date: Thu, 07 May 2020 18:33:18 -0400
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(Apologies to folks who may have already seen this announcement on other

Hi all,

OARC is hosting an online meeting on June 9th, 17:00-19:00 UTC. The
Programme Committee are seeking contributions from the community.

All DNS-related subjects are welcome, but we're particularly interested in
content which is timely and operationally relevant in light of the COVID-19
pandemic. Suggestions for discussion topics would also be good.

As the session is limited to 2 hours we'd like to encourage brevity,
presentations ought to be no longer than 20 minutes, not including time for

Subject areas we are looking for include the following, but not limited to:

  * data on traffic growth
  * operational scaling and availability challenges
  * infrastructure and skills bottlenecks
  * supply chain challenges
  * personnel & infrastructure protection
  * security/disinformation threats, public education
  * ideas that are helping
  * lessons learned
  * information from official channels
  * universal access inequities

**Workshop Milestones:**

* 7 May 2020 - Submissions open via Indico
* 21 May 2020 - Deadline for submission (23:59 UTC)
* 28 May 2020 - Initial Contribution list published
* 02 Jun 2020 - Full agenda published
* 04 Jun 2020 - Deadline for slideset submission
* 09 Jun 2020 - OARC (online) 32a Workshop

Details for presentation submission are published at:


To allow the Programme Committee to make objective assessments of
submissions, so as to ensure the quality of the workshop, submissions
SHOULD include slides. Draft slides are acceptable on submission.

Additional information for speakers of OARC (online) 32a:

  * your talk will be live broadcast and recorded for future reference
  * your presentation slides will be available for delegates and others to
download and refer to, before, during and after the meeting

If you have questions or concerns you can contact the Programme Committee:




Shumon Huque, for the DNS-OARC Programme Committee

OARC depends on sponsorship to fund its workshops and associated social
Please contact <sponsor@dns-oarc.net> if your organization is interested in
becoming a sponsor.

Please note that OARC is run on a non-profit basis, and is not in a
position to reimburse expenses or time for speakers at its meetings.