[DNSOP] on staleness of code points and code (mentions MD5 commentary from IETF98)

Paul Vixie <paul@redbarn.org> Mon, 27 March 2017 19:45 UTC

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Subject: [DNSOP] on staleness of code points and code (mentions MD5 commentary from IETF98)
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evan hunt of isc just spoke at the microphones and said "an md5
validator implementation that isn't used isn't hurting anybody." on
pressure of time, the microphones had closed, so i'm commenting here.

i disagree. all code has bugs, eventually. or at least, there is no
existence proof to the contrary, and also, no reason to suspect
otherwise. so, code that is not used will not be reviewed or maintained.
it's a risk, just by existing.

also, a validator that outputs "secure" based on MD5 inputs is making a
promise it can't keep. noone should believe such an output, but there is
no way to signal such a policy -- other than by removing the code point,
and the code that implements it.

P Vixie