Re: [DNSOP] New Version Notification for draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec-01.txt

Willem Toorop <> Tue, 12 July 2022 14:36 UTC

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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] New Version Notification for draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec-01.txt
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Dear dnsop,

We submitted a new version of a “dry-run DNSSEC” draft. The draft
describes a method that allows for testing DNSSEC deployments in real
world DNS(SEC) deployments without affecting the DNS service in case of
DNSSEC errors. Any encountered errors are signaled to the DNS operator
of the faulty zone with DNS Error Reporting

This is a new idea which will be presented during dnsop at the IETF114
and was also presented at the IETF113. A recording of the IETF113
presentation is here:
Slides here:

We received a lot of feedback with our presentation which we used to
reorganize the draft to convey the idea more clearly and coherently. We
also received some critique and objections which were non-technical in
nature. Below is a list with these objections followed by our response.

** This is another straw on the camel’s back **

Not all resolvers have to support/implement it. Most important is that
provisioning at the registry and signaling of Dry-run is supported. If
needed we can say it is OPTIONAL for resolvers in the draft. We intend
to implement it ourselves in Unbound and have it enabled by default when
error reporting is enabled. We know from experience with trust-anchor
signaling and sentinel record that with only a small, up to date
resolver population, the signaling is already quite substantial.

There are different kinds of straws and this one is one that has the
good cause of enabling operators to deploy DNSSEC with confidence.

** Why not have a duplicate parallel test deployment? **

There is nothing better than testing with your actual user population to
dry-run your DNSSEC deployment. Note that slack’s parallel test
deployment did not show them the Route53 failure that caused them to
have an DNSSEC outage eventually[1]

** Why not sell DNSSEC domains cheaper? **

Yes, we’re all for that too, but that’s orthogonal to seeing what the
actual effect of starting DNSSEC with your deployment with your real
user population would be.

The other objections which were more technical, like for example
“registries supporting only fixed sized hashes per algorithm” and
“couldn’t we normalize the different DS hacks somehow” are all addressed
in the new version of the document.

We’re looking forward to a new round of feedback and critique ;)
Both on-list and in-person at the IETF-114!

Kind regards,

Yorgos, Willem and Roy

Op 11-07-2022 om 23:58 schreef
> A new version of I-D, draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec-01.txt
> has been successfully submitted by Yorgos Thessalonikefs and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Name:		draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec
> Revision:	01
> Title:		dry-run DNSSEC
> Document date:	2022-07-11
> Group:		Individual Submission
> Pages:		12
> URL:  
> Status:
> Html: 
> Htmlized:
> Diff: 
> Abstract:
>    This document describes a method called "dry-run DNSSEC" that allows
>    for testing DNSSEC deployments without affecting the DNS service in
>    case of DNSSEC errors.  It accomplishes that by introducing a new DS
>    Type Digest Algorithm that signals validating resolvers that dry-run
>    DNSSEC is used for the zone.  DNSSEC errors are then reported with
>    DNS Error Reporting, but any bogus responses to clients are withheld.
>    Instead, validating resolvers fallback from dry-run DNSSEC and
>    provide the response that would have been answered without the
>    presence of a dry-run DS.  A further option is presented for clients
>    to opt-in for dry-run DNSSEC errors and allow for end-to-end DNSSEC
>    testing.
> The IETF Secretariat