[DNSOP] looking for reference for reverse maps do not work
Michael Richardson <mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca> Mon, 11 April 2022 15:38 UTC
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Subject: [DNSOP] looking for reference for reverse maps do not work
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Hi, in reviews of https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations-04.html I was asked to expand upon why the reverse map can not be intelligently used for MUD ACLs. (section 3, XXX stuff) (MUD controllers, upon being presented with ACLs made up of names need to do forward lookups of the names and build ACLs based upon the IP addresses.) There are two aspects of this: 1) even in an ideal situation, it takes too long on the first packet to extract a name from an IP address. Yes, that could be aggresively cached. 2) forward:reverse maps are N:M mappings, often with unidirectional parts, and often broken or not delegated. Further, there is no authorization of the mappings, so an attacker who wants to be able to reach IP address 2001:db8::abcd, can insert a reverse name of their choice, including updates.example.com, which is permitted by the MUD ACL. While I can write the above paragraph, I don't feel that it's detailed enough for what is needed, and I feel that we (the IETF) must have documented the security issues with reverse/forward mismatched at least twice over the past 40 years. I'm looking for a good well reviewed reference to use rather than repeating this again. -- Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF@sandelman.ca> . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting ) Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide
- [DNSOP] looking for reference for reverse maps do… Michael Richardson
- Re: [DNSOP] looking for reference for reverse map… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [DNSOP] [Mud] looking for reference for rever… Michael Richardson