Re: [DNSOP] Lars Eggert's No Objection on draft-ietf-dnsop-nsec3-guidance-08: (with COMMENT)

Wes Hardaker <> Thu, 12 May 2022 17:04 UTC

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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Lars Eggert's No Objection on draft-ietf-dnsop-nsec3-guidance-08: (with COMMENT)
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Lars Eggert via Datatracker <> writes:

>      DNS Error (EDE) {RFC8914} EDNS0 option of value (RFC EDITOR: TBD).
> {RFC8914} looks like a Markdown citation bug.

Yep.  Fixed.

> ### Stray characters
> The text version of this document contains these HTML entities, which might
> indicate issues with its XML source: `&#269;`, `&#352;`, and `&#268;`

Actually it's the markdown source -- I'll get the names fixed though.

> ### Grammar/style
> #### "Table of Contents", paragraph 1
> ```
> . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendix D. Github Version of This Document . . . . .
>                                    ^^^^^^
> ```
> The official name of this software platform is spelled with a capital
> "H".

Good point.  Better yet though, I've added a note that the rfc editor
should remove that section anyway.

These are done (but more following):

> #### Section 1.1, paragraph 1
> ```
> lag [RFC5155], which specifies whether or not that NSEC3 record provides pro
>                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ```
> Consider shortening this phrase to just "whether". It is correct though if you
> mean "regardless of whether".
> #### Section 2.3, paragraph 1
> ```
> w, ftp, mail, imap, login, database, etc) can be used to quickly reveal a lar
>                                      ^^^
> ```
> A period is needed after the abbreviation "etc.".

> #### Section 5, paragraph 1
> ```
> y Covering NSEC Records and DNSSEC On-line Signing", RFC 4470, DOI 10.17487/R
>                                    ^^^^^^^
> ```
> Do not mix variants of the same word ("on-line" and "online") within a single
> text.

I'm very confused now.  That section looks nothing like you above text,
nor is that text anywhere.  And ditto with this one:

> #### Section 7.1, paragraph 2
> ```
> NSSEC zone enumeration algorithm", n.d.. Appendix A. Deployment measurements
>                                       ^^
> ```
> Two consecutive dots.

Were you perhaps reading a different reference or something?

> #### "Appendix A.", paragraph 2
> ```
>  Vixie * Tim Wicinski Appendix D. Github Version of This Document While this
>                                   ^^^^^^
> ```
> The official name of this software platform is spelled with a capital
> "H".

I've marked that section to be deleted by the RFC Editor, but fixed that anyway.

Wes Hardaker