Re: [DNSOP] Webex details Re: correction Re: virtual interim DNSOP WG meeting and current status, special use names

"Hollenbeck, Scott" <> Thu, 16 February 2017 12:40 UTC

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From: "Hollenbeck, Scott" <>
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Thread-Topic: [EXTERNAL] [DNSOP] Webex details Re: correction Re: virtual interim DNSOP WG meeting and current status, special use names
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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Webex details Re: correction Re: virtual interim DNSOP WG meeting and current status, special use names
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Will the jabber room at<> also be used?


From: DNSOP [] On Behalf Of Suzanne Woolf
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 6:50 PM
To: dnsop <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [DNSOP] Webex details Re: correction Re: virtual interim DNSOP WG meeting and current status, special use names


The secretariat has graciously given us access to a webex login for the WG, so the setup details for the virtual interim tomorrow are:

          Meeting number: 644 850 881

          Meeting password: special

          Meeting link:

          Audio connection:

          1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll free number (US/Canada)

          1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

          Access code: 644 850 881


0. Intro/note well/agenda bash (chairs)

1. Issues from WGLC on the problem statement ( (authors)

2. Update on alt-tld (( (authors)

3. Proposals for moving forward:

* alt-tld to WGLC?

* stop here? (leave RFC 6761 as-is, continue to process registry changes case-by-case)

* proposals for process revision/update?

* any drafts to write?

* any input or liaison that DNSOP should request from the IAB? (regarding either namespace architecture or relationships of the IETF with other groups)

4. AOB: your I-D or proposed action for the WG/IESG/IAB here

   On Feb 2, 2017, at 4:48 PM, Suzanne Woolf <<>> wrote:

   And because it’s been that day….

   Thanks for the off-list nudge, that’s ***Thursday 16 February*** for most of the world, Friday 17 February for the AP region.

   We’ve blocked two hours for the meeting.

   Apologies for the error.


      On Feb 2, 2017, at 3:52 PM, Suzanne Woolf <<>> wrote:

      3. We still want (and have time) to do a virtual interim WG meeting before Chicago. We’ve picked a date:

      Thursday 17 February, 19:00 UTC, which is:

      19:00 UTC

      20:00 CEST (Frankfurt, Stockholm)

      14:00 EST (North American Eastern)

      11:00 PST (North American Western)

      06:00 AEDT (Sydney, Melbourne)

      (Webex details will follow)

      As usual, scheduling isn’t perfect for anyone but we tried to cover the largest possible area of the globe adequately.

      Preliminary agenda for the meeting is:

                1. Issues from WGLC on the problem statement (
                2. Proposals for moving forward:
                            * reviews of alt-tld; ready for WGLC? will it help? (
                            * stop here? (leave RFC 6761 as-is, continue to process registry changes case-by-case)
                            * proposals for process revision/update?
                3. Next steps:
                            * any drafts to write?
                            * any input or liaison to request from the IAB? (regarding either namespace architecture or relationships of the IETF with other groups)

                4. AOB: your I-D or proposed action for the WG/IESG/IAB here


      Suzanne & Tim