[DNSOP] draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec-00 and DS digest field
"libor.peltan" <libor.peltan@nic.cz> Wed, 30 March 2022 14:58 UTC
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Subject: [DNSOP] draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec-00 and DS digest field
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Hi dnsop, Yorgos, Willem, Roy, I really like this idea of dry-run DNSSEC. I think it could really help new DNSSEC adopters. The evidently weird thing of the proposal is the displacement of DS digest field into the first byte of DS hash field, in order to free up space for dry-run signalling. This will cause difficulties in human readability of resulting DS. The obvious counter-proposal would be to simply take the most-significant bit of the DS digest field (set to 1 for dry-run), which would take 128 of available DS digest numbers (instead of just one), but wouldn't otherwise introduce any inconsistencies in DS format. As only four are taken so far, it seems viable to me. Should we (dnsop) discuss this specific matter, or even poll? Thanks, Libor
- Re: [DNSOP] draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec-00 … Willem Toorop
- [DNSOP] draft-yorgos-dnsop-dry-run-dnssec-00 and … libor.peltan