[DNSOP] attrleaf

Paul Vixie <paul@redbarn.org> Tue, 28 March 2017 17:03 UTC

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i got underscores wrong in SRV. it may be that we should not follow that
track at all.

in C at that time, we were renaming our externally reachable library
symbols to add _ on the front (#define foo _foo), so that a compilation
which did not import that library (#include <foo.h>) would be able to
use those symbols locally without conflict. that's what i thought i was
doing with SRV, but as i said at DNSOP yesterday, that only worked when
there was a single use of _, and failed when other users of _ came along.

what SRV should have done was ask for a new registry of _ names, and
allocate exactly one of these, and hide its details under that label. so
instead of _telnet._tcp.servicename, it ought to have been

if this is what we should have done, then it may be that the best thing
to do at this stage is, that. as in, declare the SRV got it wrong, and
note that _tcp and _udp have been camped upon by SRV, wrongly. all of
the service protocol names (_telnet, etc) need not be counted, since
they hide under a _tcp or _udp label.

P Vixie