Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not only home residental networks ...
Stephane Bortzmeyer <> Tue, 05 September 2017 07:04 UTC
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Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2017 09:04:29 +0200
From: Stephane Bortzmeyer <>
To: "Walter H." <>
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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not only home residental networks ...
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On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 06:09:06AM +0200, Walter H. <> wrote a message of 20 lines which said: > I see it exact this, and it would be fair to prevent future bugs with > defining one or two FAKE TLDs (e.g. .corp, .lan) for exact this use > case; Why does it need to be a TLD (see all the discussions here about Special Use Domain Names, .alt,, etc)? Why not > - there isn't really a uniqness as requirement As I said before, and explained, you're wrong here, since you don't take merging and acquisition into account. > - a public WHOIS grabbing for these domains needn't also be given; With a subdomain of your Second Level Domain, no need for WHOIS (or RDAP). But I agree that ICANN rules for the .corp TLDs are stupid. If McDonald's register .MCDONALDS, why do they need delegation and public social info for the SLD?
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not only h… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Tony Finch
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Paul Wouters
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Tony Finch
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Paul Wouters
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Warren Kumari
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Ralph Droms
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Warren Kumari
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Paul Vixie
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Måns Nilsson
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Mark Andrews
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Jim Reid
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Mark Andrews
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Mark Andrews
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Jim Reid
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Måns Nilsson
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Mark Andrews
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Petr Špaček
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Tony Finch
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Paul Vixie
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Tony Finch
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Mark Andrews
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Paul Vixie
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Michael H. Warfield
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Lyndon Nerenberg
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Mark Andrews
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Tony Finch
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Mark Andrews
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Walter H.
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Matthew Pounsett
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Paul Vixie
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [DNSOP] DNS names for local networks - not on… Tony Finch
- Re: [DNSOP] DNSSEC in local networks Warren Kumari
- [DNSOP] Fwd: DNSSEC in local networks william manning