[DNSOP] Re: [EXT] [dtn] Re: An Interplanetary DNS Model

Scott Johnson <scott@spacelypackets.com> Sat, 27 July 2024 08:56 UTC

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To: "Sipos, Brian J." <Brian.Sipos@jhuapl.edu>
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Hi Brian,

Thanks for the input.  It seems new TLDs for deployment on other worlds is 
the general consensus on how to accomplish this.  I will amend the draft 
to indicate this.


On Fri, 26 Jul 2024, Sipos, Brian J. wrote:

> Scott,
> Yes, new qualified names (identifiers) for new things will disambiguate from existing names. The important thing is to avoid a truly "split horizon" DNS situation where the same qualified name means different things in different contexts (the lack of specific records visible from a context is different than records with different meaning though). The DNS already provides a facility to have human-facing relative/unqualified names while the tools resolve to and manage qualified names, so there isn't a need for new terms or techniques here.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scott Johnson <scott@spacelypackets.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2024 12:24 PM
>> To: Sipos, Brian J. <Brian.Sipos@jhuapl.edu>
>> Cc: Marc Blanchet <marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca>; Lorenzo Breda
>> <lorenzo@lbreda.com>; DTN WG <dtn@ietf.org>; dnsop <dnsop@ietf.org>
>> Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Re: [EXT] [dtn] Re: An Interplanetary DNS Model
>> APL external email warning: Verify sender scott@spacelypackets.com before
>> clicking links or attachments
>> Hi Brain,
>> Are you in concurrance that using new, dedicated TLDs only for off world use
>> (and discrete to a single world) solves this issue?
>> Thanks,
>> ScottJ
>> On Thu, 25 Jul 2024, Sipos, Brian J. wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I'm replying to a non-specific message in this chain just to mention that, similar
>> to what Lorenzo brought up, any translation of identifiers (names or addresses)
>> will be fraught with problems related to security and should not be done. There
>> can be translation or mapping that happens in a way not visible to users/clients,
>> but whatever identifiers are visible to the user/client need to have stable
>> meaning across any network.
>>> Naming authorities, such as PKIX CAs, need to rely on the fact that once a user
>> proves ownership of a specific identifier that same identifier will not be used by
>> other users (at least not simultaneously over a short time interval). Part of the
>> reason why public CAs such as Let's Encrypt will not issue certificates for IP
>> addresses is the prevalence of IP NATs, even though IP identifiers are allowed by
>> the CA/Browser TLS baseline [1].
>>> [1]
>>> https://cabforum.org/working-groups/server/baseline-requirements/docum
>>> ents/CA-Browser-Forum-TLS-BR-2.0.5.pdf
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Scott Johnson <scott@spacelypackets.com>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 4:44 PM
>>>> To: Marc Blanchet <marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca>
>>>> Cc: Lorenzo Breda <lorenzo@lbreda.com>; DTN WG <dtn@ietf.org>; dnsop
>>>> <dnsop@ietf.org>
>>>> Subject: [EXT] [dtn] Re: [DNSOP] An Interplanetary DNS Model
>>>> APL external email warning: Verify sender
>>>> forwardingalgorithm@ietf.org before clicking links or attachments
>>>> Hi Marc,
>>>> On Wed, 24 Jul 2024, Marc Blanchet wrote:
>>>>>       Le 24 juill. 2024 à 11:42, Lorenzo Breda
>>>>>       <lorenzo@lbreda.com> a écrit :
>>>>> Why are you against leaving the current TLDs implicitly on Earth by
>>>>> default?
>>>>> Right. One do not need a special TLD for space. We can use what we
>>>>> have and it just works fine.
>>>> I do not disagree with this notion as respects my proposed architecture.
>>>> 3rd level domains mapped to off-world domains works just fine, for
>>>> the low low price of annual domain renewal.  a tld representing each
>>>> remote world is preferable, however, because it is just "cooler;"
>>>> easier to use and more memorable than a much longer domain.  This,
>>>> however, assumes we are talking about the same proposal, which we are
>> not.
>>>>> One has just to be careful on remote resolution so that it contains
>>>>> what is needed: trust chain, local names, ...
>>>> Lets be clear here, Marc.  You are talking about a completely
>>>> different solution than I am; one predicated on IP only.  Your
>>>> comment on this thread, without context, only serves to confuse the other
>> participants.
>>>> For example, you are talking about using F-root, right?  That is a
>>>> very different thing than the functionality which I am describing,
>>>> with significantly more network resource usage requirements.  My
>>>> solution uses BP in some network segments.  Personally, I don't think
>>>> your method will ever fly, primarily due to security reasons, but I
>>>> don't troll your threads about it in a manner which would muddy the
>>>> waters of those considering your proposal.  I don't mind healthy
>>>> competition of ideas, but I do expect fair play.  If you wish to
>>>> contrast the two methods, thats fine, yet unproductive, IMHO.  Just make
>> sure the reader knows you are talking about your proposal, and not mine.
>>>> ScottJ
>>>>> This is discussed in:
>>>>> - running IP in deep space (noBP<->IP):
>>>>> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-many-deepspace-ip-asse
>>>>> ssment-01.txt
>>>>> - running DNS in remote places:
>>>>> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-many-dnsop-dns-isolated-networ
>>>>> k
>>>>> s-01.txt
>>>>> Regards, Marc.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Lorenzo Breda
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