[DNSOP] RFC8499bis path forward after extended WGLC
Benno Overeinder <benno@NLnetLabs.nl> Fri, 19 May 2023 13:31 UTC
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 15:31:41 +0200
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Subject: [DNSOP] RFC8499bis path forward after extended WGLC
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Dear WG, The extended WGLC for rfc8499-bis did not conclude with rough consensus on either of the two proposed definitions of the term "lame delegation". There was some consensus in a subthread on one of the proposed definitions, earlier formulated on the mailing list, see the original thread https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/4E1AQKGivEHtJDB85gSNhofRuyM/. For readability, I will include the proposed definition again: "A lame delegation is said to exist when one or more authoritative servers designated by the delegating NS RRset or by the child's apex NS RRset answers non-authoritatively for a zone". In another subthread, new terms and definitions appeared because the definition above was not specific enough, but this thread didn't lead to a specific definition. There are now three paths forward: 1) Stick with the current text in the document – the original definition from RFC8499 plus a note that "These early definitions do not match the current use of the term "lame delegation", but there is no consensus on what a lame delegation is." A possible follow-up to this is for someone to start a WG consensus document on "lame", which can update 8499bis. 2) We still find a rough consensus on the definition proposed in the "Meaning of lame delegation" email thread, and the WG can agree that this is a definition useful to DNS engineers/operators. 3) Withdraw the document from WGLC so we can add definitions. Do not propose any new terms and definitions at this stage if we choose this option. The third option is the least desirable outcome since the document is already this far in the process and has seen many reviews and edits. In order for the WG to decide how to proceed, we plan to schedule an interim meeting in June and discuss the three options with the WG. Thank you, Suzanne, Tim and Benno
- [DNSOP] RFC8499bis path forward after extended WG… Benno Overeinder