[DNSOP] Unusual behavior (wildcarding) on .cn TLD

Nicholas Weaver <nweaver@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU> Fri, 30 October 2009 18:53 UTC

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Subject: [DNSOP] Unusual behavior (wildcarding) on .cn TLD
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apologies if this isn't the correct list...

Has anyone else observed the following behavior for the .cn TLD, where  
one authoritative server (NS.CERNET.NET) wildcards invalid domains,  
but the others (a-e.dns.cn) do not?

Anyone know someone operationally involved with the .cn TLD to know if  
this is deliberate and, if so, why?

The authority for .cn (in this case, from g.root-servers.net) is:

(reordered for readability)
cn.                     172800  IN      NS      A.DNS.cn.
cn.                     172800  IN      NS      B.DNS.cn.
cn.                     172800  IN      NS      C.DNS.cn.
cn.                     172800  IN      NS      D.DNS.cn.
cn.                     172800  IN      NS      E.DNS.cn.
cn.                     172800  IN      NS      NS.CERNET.NET.

with IPs 203.119.{25-29}.1 for {a-e}.dns.cn and for ns.cernet.net

A nice little foreach loop shows the behavior for me (from ICSI):

foreach foo ( )
  foreach? echo "Looking up a bad name at $foo"
  foreach? dig +short +norecurse www.aoeuantoheuntahoeutn.cn @$foo
  foreach? end

Looking up a bad name at
Looking up a bad name at
Looking up a bad name at
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
Looking up a bad name at
Looking up a bad name at
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
Looking up a bad name at

NS.CERNET.NET seems to be deliberately wildcarding items which are  
otherwise NXDOMAIN, and returning the a record of a server they  
control.  But it is ONLY this nameserver, not all nameserver for .cn.