[DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable.
Joe Abley <jabley@strandkip.nl> Mon, 24 June 2024 09:12 UTC
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Subject: [DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable.
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On 23 Jun 2024, at 04:58, Mark Andrews <marka@isc.org> wrote: > Turning off escape processing prevents turning off multi line processing. https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/WALLET/wallet-completed-template Our expert review guidelines are explicitly lenient so I suppose I'm not surprised this was accepted. However, it does seem like there is an actual cost to accepting things like this. Using WALLET as an example, the constrained RDATA format provides an implementation cost to parse and check the syntax of the resource record in DNS servers that is presumably going to be duplicated in the systems that consume this data from the DNS, as they apparently already do with TXT RRs. If, in fact, this new RRType had RDATA defined as "exactly like TXT" it would be a lot cheaper to implement in nameservers. Since some people think new RRTYPEs are hard to deploy specifically because they take a long time to be supported, perhaps this would be a win in more ways than one. It seems like we could do three things about this: (a) do nothing, this is fine, Mark enjoys this stuff and he'd be bored if he didn't have more of it (b) change the expert review guidelines to push back on this kind of thing and say "no, use exactly TXT with underscore labels, you are not as special as you think" (c) write some guidance for future applications of the form "basically TXT but with a different RRTYPE" to make things as cookie-cutter as possible for implementers, and add a question to the application template of the form "explain why you can't just use the cookie-cutter approach described in RFCxxx" with some guidance for expert reviewers in assessing the answer. Personally I think underscore labels are a better and cheaper solution for a lot of applications, which makes me like (b). But I appreciate other people think differently and perhaps are already OMG NO PLEASE NOT AGAIN about the idea of restarting that conversation. If anybody has any appetite for (c) then I could write something up. It seems like it would be nice to be able to implement future new RRTypes like WALLET simply by adding an RRType to an array of RRTypes that are all implemented the same way, rather than writing new parsers for every one of them. It would also make applicants' lives easier since they could say "I want cookie-cutter WALLET" and not have to think about the consequences of how they define their RDATA. Of course there's some XKCD-927 risk in this approach. Joe
- [DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable. John Levine
- [DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable. Mark Andrews
- [DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable. John R. Levine
- [DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable. Mark Andrews
- [DNSOP] Wallet is not implementable. Mark Andrews
- [DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable. Edward Lewis
- [DNSOP] Re: Wallet is not implementable. Joe Abley