[DNSOP] algrithm-update table
Andrew Sullivan <ajs@anvilwalrusden.com> Mon, 27 March 2017 19:39 UTC
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Subject: [DNSOP] algrithm-update table
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Hi, Further to the comments I made at the mic today, I didn't dig into the history on this, but the syntactic agreement that we finally came up with when we had this bunfight years ago was is in RFC 6944. The idea a the time was that we'd product updates of that. The publication date claims 2013, but I recall the fight happening in 2012. The datatracker might say more -- Pete Resnick held the discuss on this for a long time. The table there is on p 3. If you update that document, it will avoid the table fight. I personally like the table format better too, but it was painful to go through LC last time. A -- Andrew Sullivan ajs@anvilwalrusden.com
- [DNSOP] algrithm-update table Andrew Sullivan