Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver
Kenji Baheux <> Mon, 29 October 2018 09:30 UTC
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From: Kenji Baheux <>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 18:29:57 +0900
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Subject: Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver
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X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 09:30:15 -0000
*Apologies for starting a new thread (maybe), I couldn't find a straightforward way of replying to a thread that pre-existed my subscription.* *tl;dr:* I'm involved with Chrome's DNS over HTTPS effort. While I haven't yet read the proposal and I could be missing some important context, I support the use case (i.e. facilitating the discovery of DoH support from an existing resolver). Paul Hoffman said: "I would want to hear that [*no browser vendor is interested in ways to find the DoH version of a resolver* (paraphrasing)] directly from the browser vendors before abandoning this work, particularly because we are hearing a lot of interest from organizations who want it." I'm involved with Chrome's DNS over HTTPS effort. We are considering a behavior where Chrome would identify if the user's existing DNS server supports DoH, and if so, then perform an automatic upgrade (TBD: silent or with an opt in/out prompt). Our short term approach is to have a list of known resolvers that support DoH and do the mapping internally. But, in the long run, this doesn't seems ideal. Also, for custom resolvers, it seems preferable to have an easy configuration path instead of the potentially cumbersome URL scheme + POST/GET choice? So, while I haven't read the proposal, and it's possible that I'm missing important context, I support the use case. -- Kenji BAHEUX Product Manager - Chrome Google Japan
- [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Hewitt, Rory
- Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Ben Schwartz
- Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Martin Thomson
- Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Martin Thomson
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Associating a DoH server with a r… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Martin Thomson
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Adam Roach
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Associating a DoH server with a r… Tony Finch
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Patrick McManus
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Adam Roach
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Christopher Wood
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Associating a DoH server with a r… Jim Reid
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Associating a DoH server with a r… Tony Finch
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Associating a DoH server with a r… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Associating a DoH server with a r… Adam Roach
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Eliot Lear
- Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Kenji Baheux
- Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Todd Hubers
- Re: [Doh] Associating a DoH server with a resolver Ted Lemon
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Erik Nygren
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] Re: Associating a DoH server with… Ben Schwartz